Hermiones eyes flashed with understandment and smiled and said " Thanks Ava."

I smiled at all of them once more before leaving Hagrids hut.

I could Ron say faintly " Blimey Harry, that girl is just so manipulative.. she had me drooling for a second."

I heard them laugh before I continued on into the castle smiling.

I went into Gryffindor tower and changed quickly into my normal robes before sprinting into the library.

I got a glare from Madam Pince, the librarian, but I ignored her. I slowed into a quick pace and saw Ginny writing in... you guessed it... my fathers diary.

I sat down at the table across from her and sighed loudly and put my head down to rest.

I heard Ginny laugh and say " Tired?"

" Oh yeah, I just ran up here from Quidditch. The Slytherins stole the field because they have to train they're new seeker... It's Malfoy! Their new seeker is Malfoy! Can you believe that!" I whined

" Oh wow... Draco Malfoy? Wow what did he have to do to get the spot of the seeker?" Ginny said with confusion and contempt.

" He bought the whole team Nimbus 2001's" I said waiting for the shock and the 'OH MY GOSH' to come out of her mouth.

" Oh my gosh!" She said surprisedly. I swear, if she was drinking something right there, it would have been the perfect spit take. " Your joking right? of course not, it's just like someone like him to buy his way onto the team." Ginny scoffed.

" Thats what I thought, then he called Hermione a mudblood and  everyone flipped."

" how dare he!" Ginny yelled " That scum!"

"SHHHHH" madam Pince glared.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my story. " I know, Ron got mad to and tried to curse Malfoy but his wand is broken so the curse kind of rebounded onto him.... he started puking slugs."

" Ewww, oh Ronald, his wand has been broken for weeks now... you'd think he'd remember that it doesn't work well." Ginny sighed.

"I know right." I laughed " So how have you been little red?" I joked.

Ginny rolled her eyes and smiled at the nick name I gave her and said " I've been ok, I guess, I have a 3 page potions essay though and I can't seem to find any books in here to help me write it, do you think you can help me?"

I smiled when she gave me the puppy pout and said " Fine, I have nothing else to do."

I helped Ginny on her essay for a few hours until Ron, Harry and Hermione came in... Ron with a bucket.

Ginny's eyes bugged out of her head when she saw Ron puke up a slug and I laughed and said " I wasn't joking... see."

" Hey Ava, Ginny." Harry nodded to us.

Ginny blushed and looked down at her book to avoid eye contact with him and said " Hi, Harry."

I smirked and said " Hi, Harry, what brings you to the library.... really I want to know. You never  come up here."

Harry smiled and said " Oh we just came to drop Hermione off with you two, Ron and I are going to our detentions now."

" Whoopee." Ron said with false excitement.

" Oh yeah, for the car accident?" Ginny said uninterestedly

" Yep." Harry said. " Well see ya."

" So what are you two working on?" Hermione asked sitting down beside Ginny and looking at her essay.

" A stupid potions essay about the most used and the most effective ingredients you can put in a potion. I still have a page left." Ginny said boredly.

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