Chapter 3:What a way to start the day

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I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling as I sat up and looked around.Oh,that's right.Tres Spades.....the job....I got dressed into my usual outfit.A black leather jacket or a white t-shirt,black trousers and combat boots.Unlike most other girls which might snort or cackle in disgust at my outfit,I find it comfortable.Besides,it beats getting blisters when you're wearing heels.

I tie my blond hair into a high ponytail as I grab my black backpack and head out of the room.Only Soryu was in there.My guess for the others were that Baba was off on his own mission,Ota was in his studio and that slacker detective was dozing off somewhere.I sat down opposite Soryu as I pulled out my phone and checked Facebook.

"What are you playing at?"Soryu asked me as I looked up and glanced at him before turning my attention back on my phone.

"You still don't trust me?"

He was quiet.I sigh.

"Listen,I don't really care whether you guys trust me or not.I'm only here to complete the job.After it's done,I'll get out of your life and you most probably won't ever see me again.Like ever"

He stares at me quietly."If you even hurt Eisuke...."

"If I do,you can put a bullet in my head,now leave me alone"I snapped,annoyed as I pocketed my phone and pulled out my detective series which I loved to read in my free time.I looked at Soryu and he looks shocked for a moment as he looks at the book."What?Never seen a book before?"

He shook his head before turning to me."I never knew you read detective novels"

"And I never knew you could be so annoying and irritating.I thought men in the Mafia were more of the quiet type.Anyway,shut up"I snapped at him as I plugged in my earphones to drown out his voice.

I ignored the million watt glare he was giving me as I continued to read.When all of a sudden,my earphones were pulled out and a high pitched voice shrieked in my ear "Morning Koro!"

I immediately soccer punched whoever did that and heard a thump,indicating that he fell down.I looked behind the sofa and saw Ota there,holding his cheek which was turning red."God she sure can punch!"Ota grumbled as he took his seat beside Soryu.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour as I got back to focusing on my book."Pretty lady"


I let out a long,annoyed sigh as I spot Baba prancing over to me.

"What do you want?Aren't you supposed to be on a mission ?"I mumbled,trying not to pay him any attention.

"So cold!And I just got back"he grinned as he sat down.

"You guys are loud"Eisuke emerges from his room,looking as handsome as always.

Wait what.....?What did I say?

I quickly slap myself in the face as he sits down too.

"Well then Carolyn,you're going to be proving your worth before you actually protect me.I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind you being dead would he?"

"That is if you can even get a scratch on me"I replied,smirking.

"Very well then,Soryu,let's show her"

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