Chapter 11:Auctions

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I walked into the room,my arms linked with Soryu's since I refused to go with Eisuke.I was wearing a stunning black dress that went up to my knees along with black heels and a black purse.My blond hair was tied up into a French bun as I smiled a fake smile.

Soryu pulled on my arm as we went to the bar."Rabbit"I heard Soryu mutter.

"Welcome to the Mad Hatters Tea Party"the bartender said as he pulled on something and the side of the bar opened silently and we stepped in.We got into an elevator as it went down.

So the I.V.C. was just a set up....impressive.I thought as Soryu pulled open a door and we came into a view of the dimly lit auction hall.The rest of the guys were already there.

I saw down in between Soryu and Eisuke as I watched who looked like the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland conduct the auctions.

"Now,we have the statue of Zeus!We'll start the bidding from 1 million!"

The bids quickly rose.So this is how the rich spend their money....

Then,something the mad hatter said caught my attention.

"Now we have one of the rarest guns in the world!A MPZ5000!We have somehow managed to get it in our grasps!Bidding starts at 5 million!"

The bids rose so fast,that I had a hard time keeping up!I saw Soryu bidding for it too.

"100 million!Going once!Going twice..."

I placed my bid of 200 million.

"200 million!Going once,going twice,sold!!"

"Damnit..."I heard Soryu curse under his breath.Suddenly,we heard a knock by the door.I opened it and there were 2 men there with a briefcase.

"Ma'am,you bought this"they said as they handed me the briefcase which I guess had the gun in it"

"Yes.Thank you."I scribbled them a cheque as they nodded and took their leave.

"What's in the case milady?"Baba asked as everyone stared at me curiously.

"I'll show you when we get back to the penthouse"I muttered when Eisuke suddenly stood up and pulled me up too.

"Well come on then"he said impatiently as the other guys followed behind.

"Jeez they're impatient"I mumbled under my breath as we stepped inside the lounge and we all took a seat.

They all peered at me as I opened the case.

"No way kid!You bought it?!"

"Yeah,got a problem?"I snapped as I took the gun out.

"I never knew you were so rich milady!"Baba smiled flirtatiously as I rolled my eyes.


I took aim at Eisuke as he froze and I pulled the trigger,breaking the vase behind him.

"Not bad,light,good grip....oh,I hope that wasn't expensive"

I said as I flipped the gun in my hand.

"For awhile there,I thought you were going to kill Eisuke!Oh,and yes it was expensive,but we could easily afford another one so don't worry about it"Ota brushed me off.

"Why would I kill him?I need him alive"I pocketed my gun as I walked into his suite.

I played games on my phone since I was feeling bored till I heard the door creak.

"Hey there Eis-"

"Not Eisuke"Soryu said as I whipped my head around.

"What are you doing here?"I glared at him as I stood up.

"Do you like Eisuke?"he suddenly blurted out as my cheeks turned red.

"No!!!!"I spit out as I tried to cool my hot cheeks.

"Who's the bad liar now?"he teased but he looked kinda sad.

"I have a boyfriend remember?And besides,I like you and Eisuke and the rest of the guys as my friends,no more than that"I said as I sat back down and resumed playing my game.

I felt him sit down next to me as he whipped out a book.I looked at the cover and saw that it was a detective novel but I don't have it.It looks good!

"Hey,mind borrowing me that?"I asked casually but I was so nervous inside!I really wanna read it!I've been looking all over for that book!

"Sure....if you let me borrow your gun"

Gun?Oh,right,he was gonna buy the gun first.I nod as he handed me the book and I handed him the gun.

"Tell no one of this"I said.

"My lips are sealed"

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