IAmFabulous: Yeah. How?

TransFan: Did you seriously just ask me that?

Puppy_SteelJaw: Yes, yes they did.

DecepticonFan: In their defense, they haven't been here that long.

19NC_Medix: Well actually Scowl has been here awhile so he should know.

TransFan: What they said.

IAmFabulous: What don't I know?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: TransFan knows everything about you.

UntrackableCon: It's true.

IAmFabulous: Okay, if you know everything about everyone, then name one thing that I didn't get away with.

TransFan: Well you didn't get away with being a spy for the Decepticons during the war for Cybertron.

RuleBreaker: Oh Burn! Wait what?

AirNinja: Keep up Sideswipe.

LeaderBot: Wait a second. You invited Overload to the chat!?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Uh oh.

TransFan: Hey I said sorry.

LeaderBot: That was before he showed up!

Puppy_SteelJaw: Hey don't get angry with her. At least she said it.

TransFan: Thank you Puppy_SteelJaw. 

Puppy_SteelJaw: No problem.

LeaderBot: What ever.

IAmFabulous: I have no idea what is going on, and I don't care.

CrabCreature: I am enjoying this.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Shut up Clampdown.

CrabCreature: Okay.

LooksLikeStarscream: Ha, now this is entertainment.

IAmFabulous: Hey, wait a second. LeaderBot are you Optimus Prime?

Sir-Smashing-Ton: This is going to get interesting.

UntrackableCon: I agree.

LeaderBot: No, I am not Optimus Prime.

IAmFabulous: Are you sure?

LeaderBot: Yes i'm sure.

IAmFabulous: Well who are you?

TransFan: Oh boy, here we go.

LeaderBot: I'm the bot who knocked you out, right after I told your minicons that they have nothing in common with you.

IAmFabulous: Oh now I remember. YOU PUNCHED ME IN MA FACE!

TroubleMaker1: Hehe

TroubleMaker2: Haha

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: And there are the minicons

DecepticonFan: But who is who?

TransFan: Good question.

LeaderBot: TransFan your the one that invited them.

TransFan: Not really. I only invited Overload.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Well apparently if you invite a con that have minicons, then you invite his minicons as well.

RuleBreaker: I guess Fracture's minicons didn't get the memo then.

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