There's a Girl I Met

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There's a Girl I Met

There's a girl I met

She's in pain

But try as she might

She feels as though

She is losing the fight

I never seen her smile

The twinkle to her eyes

She says she had friends

Now they all despise

There's a girl I met

Whose heart is large

Whose spirit is strong

but doesn't know it

And that is what's wrong.

In school, she is bullied

Their actions and words

Rip at her heart

Her voice is not heard.

There's a girl I met

whose mind plays tricks

A bully in her head

That's the problem

It follows her to bed

Her voice is lost

Even in her mind

Whispering for her not to worry

It's volume she can't find

There's a girl I met

She fights two battles

One on the outside

One within

Now she thinks she wants to die

I want to holler

I want to scream

You're giving up

What can you mean?

To the girl, I met

The world is beautiful

If you only knew

There is one

Who loves you

She's never seen your face

But seen your soul unfurl

Exposed for all to see

In Poetry About a Girl

There's a girl I know

Whose struggle I have felt

Whose soul shines bright

I know her troubles, I know her fears

I know that she needs to fight

I've been her.

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