"Yeah. Why? You wanna tag along?" I hear Charlotte's voice peek with interest.

"I need something to hit and I figured if you imbecile are going out I might as well go with you to keep an eye on you." I grumble.

"Oh, you hear that Danny? He actually cares about us. So sweet." Ignoring Charlotte's pathetic attempt to aggravate me as she speaks to her beloved brother. "Oh, and I was doubting you had emotions recently," Daniel gives his awful attempts at taunting as well.

"Meet me on top of Wayne Enterprises at 11 tonight."

"Why so late Dames?" Charlotte... so help me, "Yeah, you meeting a girl or something?"

"No! Why in the fires of hell would you instantly form that conclusion?" I force out without snapping but still a firm voice.

"Oh, he so is" Charlie whispered (well what I assume to be a whisper for I can still here her voice) to her twin. "You are so right" came the response.

"You imbeciles know I can still here you. And yes it is a person, they are coming to stay the weekend at Wayne Manor." I answer. Not having anything to hide, not really.

All of a sudden both voices started asking questions simultaneously "Do we know them? Do they go to out school? Is it a girl or boy? Are they one of your friends or Bruce's? Wait, that's a ridiculous question you don't have any friends except us. Yeah, but remember Charlie, he hasn't been hanging with us for a few days. Oh oh, you are so right! WHO IS IT?"

Before the could continue their frenzy I cut them off, "Shut up! I do not know. Yes. Female. Mine. Jasmine Quest."

"You have a friend?" I keep quiet as I role my eyes at Charlotte's pathetic taunting. "Other than us?" I repeat myself as Daniel speaks his mind.

"Yes. Why would a simple detail make two people so utterly shocked?" I ask out of boredom, "I hardly understand you imbeciles," I muttered, not giving two fires of hell if they heard me.

"Crap! Dad's home. See ya Damian" Daniel spoke first and Charlotte interrupted before there was a harsh beeping noise and the line went dead.

Opening my door, I casually walk towards Father's office, I have yet to inform Father of the conditions of the next few weekends. I turn the clock to precisely 3:28 and as expected, large wall clock swiftly moves to the right as a dark staircase is revealed. Soft echoes sounded through the the stairwell as my feet made contact we the hundreds of year old stone beneath me.

I presume Father can hear my approach for he swivels his leather chair around so he was facing me. Elbows rested on arm rests, fingers laced together, back straight, still in his bat-suit with the cowl lowered, deep blue eyes focused and piercing into my own emerald orbs.

Waiting respectfully to speak, I stood there, feet together, back straight, eyes focused but not as piercing as the blue orbs I front of me. "Yes Damian?" Completely calm and collected, as usual.

"I have done something I required your approval for." Monotone, showing no emotion, emotion in front of Father means he could potentially deem me unworthy to patrol as a reliant partner.

"And what might that 'something' be?" A hint of curiosity seeped into his voice before he recognised it and covered himself once more.

Steal My Heart ~Damian Wayneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें