
"Dear, God." Blair exhaled, smiling. She looked at Dex. "It's a good thing we don't need protection every more.

"God, I felt like you were glass," he said. "But it was amazing."

"It sure was. And that would explain why you took care. It was kind of hot." She bit her lip.

He rolled over, looking at her. "Since when are you such a minx? Do you want me to do that again?"

"I'd love for you to. But I'm good. My back hurts."

"Oh, my God. Are you okay?"

She laughed at his concern. It made him seem adorable and completely irritable. "I'm pregnant, Dex. Relax. It's just from the pregnancy and everything that just happened."

"Blair, how far along are you?" Dex asked, truly concerned. Blair tensed up, thinking back to her test results a week and a half ago.

"About three weeks, why?"

"I really hope you don't have sciatica," he said, before getting himself and a confused Blair dressed and running out of the room to the closest hospital.


"Blair Davenport?" a nurse called. Dex stood, leading the newly pregnant Blair to a room, where she weighed and measured Blair. After, Dex lifted Blair onto the examination table, where the nurse told her to lie down and relax.

The doctor, Dr. Benjamin Roberts, a young man, walked through the door. "Dex, my good friend! How are you?"

"Ben! Long time, no see," Dex said, greeting his friend. Dr. Roberts, or Ben, smiled. "I see med school did you well."

"Yes, it did. Finally have my own practice after all these years. And you! Man, I see you in the news and I tell my wife, 'I knew him in high school.'"

The two laughed and Dex said, "Man. This was a nice surprise. But, I have a question about my girlfriend here." Blair's heart raced at his use of 'girlfriend.' "She's pregnant and some things happened and her back started hurting. I'm scared about her having sciatica."

"I'm surprised you know that, no offense. It's very uncommon and her chances are slim. Only about one percent of pregnant women get that, so we'll have to test it out." He looked at Blair. "Ms. Davenport, I'm gonna need you to do some things for me, but first, do you know what sciatica is?"

"Um... No, I don't."

"Sciatica, as defined, is a pain affecting your back, your hip, or the outer part of your leg and its caused by the compression of a spinal nerve root in your lower back. It's often caused by a slipped disk or even a pelvic injury or fracture."

"Is it curable?"

"It takes some time, especially since you're pregnant, but it can be taken care of. So, what I'm going to have Dex do is lie you down on the table and you are going to bend your knees slowly, okay?"

Blair nodded and Dex helped her lie flat on her back, a slight sting in her lower flank. She hissed, bending her knee.

"Does that hurt?" Ben asked.

"No, it's just that I felt a sharp pain on my side right now."

Ben pursed his lips, writing it down. "Okay. Can you lift one of your legs straight up?"

Blair, glad she had changed into a hospital gown, nodded. "Sure," she said. She started, but failed immediately. "Never mind." Her core hurt as she tried once more. Dex walked over and helped her, straightening her leg.

"Does it hurt?"

"Just my abs," Blair huffed.

He had Blair walk on her toes, then her heels. He had her squat and rise. He had her bend her legs and flex her toes. All the while, Blair was completely normal.

"Well, she doesn't have sciatica."

"Thank God," Dex exhaled, talking for the first time since the beginning of the examination.

"So, I won't have to test her with an MRI or CT. It's unnecessary and it would bring harm to the baby. But, I do believe there is an internal bruise. Do you two ever get... rough... while being active?"

Blair blushed. Dex replied, "Yes. Why?"

"Well, maybe you should calm down. Blair received a bit a blunt trauma, probably you holding onto her or maybe she hit the bed or something like that. It didn't break any blood vessels, so it doesn't show on skin, but it did bruise internally, right along her flank and her back, thankfully, away from her spine. I don't need to give you any prescription. But, I will tell you to ice it for forty-eight hours. You're going to ice it for twenty minutes and then take it off for an hour." Ben smiled. "Alright. That's about it. I'll see you two later."

Ben left and Blair looked at Dex. He looked ashamed. "Dex, you okay?"

"No. I hurt you. I was treating you like precious glass and I hurt you. How does that happen?"

"Dex. It's okay. I'm fine." She walked over to Dex. "You couldn't ever possibly hurt me."

Dex sighed, groaned, and rolled his eyes. "I already have. I hurt you by leaving with Dianne."

"Dex," Blair whispered. "You couldn't ever hurt me. I know you have a reason for everything. I love you too much for you to hurt me like that. I know you have your reasons, okay? And I trust that you will make everything better. I'll be right there alongside you the whole time."

Blair blushed as soon as she saw the look in Dex's eyes that said she had admitted something she never thought she would after Brandon had hurt her.

"I love you, too, Blair," Dex whispered, pulling Blair in for a gentle, passionate kiss.

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