Get To Know Me Better.

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I'm Adeline, I'm 17. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm quite short for my age.

I love Harry Potter, Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who and Batman!

I listen to My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Beartooth and a little bit of PVRIS.

I'm almost finished with my senior year of high school.

I guess you could say I'm an outcast or geek. I get bullied because of my height and pretty much anything I do or say.

I like to sing but I won't do it in front of people because of my anxiety.

I have a very small group of friends which is okay with me because of the anxiety thing.

I've been single since 8th grade because I have trust issues and also commitment issues.

I just haven't found the right person to be with without fear of rejection.

There is only one guy I like. His name is Dalton. He's what people might call the "cool guy" he will never notice me.

Today at school Dalton's girlfriend Sara dumped him. I felt so bad for him that I wanted to beat the crap out of Sara.

Of course I couldn't bring myself to do it. He looked so hurt.

When I got home today no one was home so I went up to my room the draw.

I finish my sketch of Misha Collins and decide to watch some Grey's Anatomy on Netflix.

My brother Carter came home from lacrosse practice.

He came into my room and said "Mom's working late tonight so she told me to tell you."

"Okay thanks for letting me know Carter." I say.

My mom is a nurse and she is never really home so I'm used to making dinner for Carter and I.

Carter is my 15 year old brother who is captain of the lacrosse team.

I go downstairs to find Carter watching Supernatural.

"What do you want me to make for dinner?" I ask.

"Just order a pizza and we can watch Supernatural." He suggests.

"Okay" I say.

I call the pizza place and sit down in my beanbag chair.

The doorbell rings and I open it to find Dalton standing at my doorstep in the work uniform for the pizza place.

(A/N: Adeline's thought are going to be in italics.)

Oh shit. Please don't go red Della please.

"Hi that will be $22.75 please." Dalton says. "Hey do I know you?" He asks.

"Probably not I'm just a nobody." I say handing him the money.

"No you're not. Your name is Adeline right?" He asks.

My God he knows my name. Calm down Della.

"Yeah it is. How do you know that?" I ask.

"Well I do go to school with you. And I've seen your artwork hanging up at school. It's pretty amazing." He says.

Don't blush. Don't blush.

"Thank you Dalton." I say.

"You're welcome Adeline. Well I've got to go deliver more pizzas. I hope to see you again." He say.

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