Gintama: Okikagu (Okita Sougo x Kagura)

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It was the middle of Summer and Kagura was realy hyped. Even tho she hated the burning heat Gintoki and Shinpachi had finded a way of keeping the Yato girl cheered up while keeping her occupied and of their backs, they had discovered a eating contest whose first price was a year worth sukonbu package.

 Kagura was overjoyed, she had the competition in the back and with it she could eat as much of her favourite food as she could dream.

When she reached the competition hall, the place was fool of fat people and some big shots from eating TV shows, she was amazed by everyting, but what realy cot her eye was the huge number of sukonbu boxes that were in a table at the center of a stage. 

Some of the spectators started yealing at her:"Hey little girl! Are ya lost or something?!!!" and some of the bigshots, noticing her because of the comotion started picking on her and shouting mean comments: " Oi! You there, why dontya leave this work for the adults, uh?!" "Go home crying to mommy or something"

With that, Kagura punched one of the guys right in the face, knocking him out cold. After that, giving the rest an inddiferent look and starting to pick up her nose she said:

"Do you guys got a problem or something?"

The other guys started to freak out and scared of what might happen to them, so they commenced joinning in a big group and surrounding Kagura. She wasn't fazed at all by it , she just kept picking her nose without a care in the world. When the first muscle head decided to pull a punch at her, she got on a fighting position but for her surprise the guy's punch was stopped by someone's hand.

"Common guys, I know she isn't a fatty but think about it at least you guys have nice boobs that she'll never have. Can't you all just get along?" - a emotionless voice was heard

Kagura recognized that voice and annoying way of talking almost automaticly.

"Boss Okita! We didn't knew you were comming! We're very sorry!" - some of the fat guys said in a remorsed tone, recognizing the man in front of them.

"BOSS OKITA?!!! What the are you doing here, sadist?!"- Kagura asked while trying to hit Okita with a kick.

" Hey, China! Long time no see! As espected, your stupidity sent you right into my trap. I'm the sponsor and organizor of this event, especialy created to see you in misery while you loose to some random fattys your favourite food in the world"- Okita said faking emotion in his voice, while avoiding Kagura's kick.

"Can't believe you have gone to all this trouble, just to loose AGAIN against me. You must be realy desperate for a beating, sadist!" - she replied, changing the tragectory of the kick, making it impossible to avoid.

He blocked the kick with his katanna and stated: "I won't loose to you!"

A blue and red aura started surrounding them, things were about to go down.


Sorry if It's crappy is my first time writting this kind of fanfiction.

Please comment and say if you want me to do a part 2!

Feel free to also send ideas or request couples!

😜 hope you enjoyed 😅

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