~Chapter nine~

Começar do início

How embarrassing.

"You pretend to be unaffected by my constant presence when in actual fact, I get your heart racing faster than anyone has ever before and don't even get me started on the way you hold breath whenever I get close to you." he smirks, just as I begrudgingly release the oxygen from my lungs that I hadn't realised I was holding in, very much proving Aidan right in his accusation.

"What makes you so sure? You seem awfully confident for a guy who barely knows me." I fire back, not liking how accurate he is in his explanation at all.

His smirk takes on a sudden mischievous aura and with one smooth movement rendering me trapped between his body and the lockers, a position I'm slowly associating with him, I find my guard dissolving into nothing as I stare up into his hypnotising forest-like eyes.

"I think you'll find I know you a lot more than you assume." he states, resting both hands at either side of my head, giving me ample access to view his perfectly toned arms. "I know pain when I see it, Amelia and right now your eyes are drowning in it." he whispers, his voice softer than silk itself as he seemingly evaluates my entire life story. "I notice you try to hide it everyday but you're not fooling me. Alchohol and impulsive actions are a disaster waiting to happen when you're going through emotional trauma, hence the reason I didn't sleep with you on Saturday night. And I know it angers you that I didn't, just as it angers you that you can't bring yourself to stop thinking about me but the feeling is very much mutual. I can't stop thinking about you, either but that certainly doesn't mean I'm about to subject you to my flirting techniques and methods of persuasion. Just know that you interest me, Amelia and I have every intention of finding out more." he concludes, earning himself a gaping expression from me in response.

"Again, you seem so sure." I retort, desperate for his closeness not to affect me, although who am I kidding? He just has to be in the same room as me and I'm a total goner.

"I am sure, darling and I'm also well accustomed to jealously." he fires back, not missing a single beat.

"Jealously?" I scoff. "And who am I supposedly jealous of?" I ask, whilst simultaneously hoping for the love of God he doesn't say who I think he might.

"Amber." he simply replies, as if I'm meant to know who that is. "Admit you were jealous when she interrupted us the other day. I saw the way your eyes narrowed as she gently placed her hand on my body." once again, his voice turns into a whisper and as his hand gently comes down to caress the full length of my arm, I'm ripped out of my trance as every nerve ending in my body comes to life.

"Aidan." I breathe, automatically thrown into an overbearing mental conflict; battling between wanting him to touch me more and have him leave me alone completely.

Either way, I hardly think this level of touching is appropriate for school.

"Hmm, I've missed you moaning my name, darling. Are you sure I can't temp you with a rain check?" he asks, deadly serious in his question.

It takes all the strength I have but I manage to push him away from me, certainly not missing the rock hard feel of his pecks as my hand pushes against his chest.

"Thanks but no thanks." I reply with a sickening sweetness that I'm sure is dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure your girlfriend might object to us sleeping together, unless of course you're inviting her along, in which case you're an even bigger pig than I originally thought." I add, keeping my face as neutral as humanly possible.

The Bad Boy's SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora