"Where's Hyejin?" I asked the moment Jungmi answered the phone.

"I'm not sure. She said she wants to get some fresh air and she left." She answered. 

"Okay, thanks." I hung up, thinking about where she can be. 

Not too far from home but not too close. The park! 

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and grabbed a jacket. I ran all the way there. I didn't care if the boys tried to stop me. I didn't care if the president is calling me. I don't care if I lose my care. I don't want to lose her. 

As soon as I got to the park, my eyes wandered all over to find her. I saw a familiar shadow by the benches at the pond. I ran all the way there. Se was sitting there, staring at the pond. 

"Hyejin!" I called for her with hope. She looked in my direction, but instead of welcoming me, she got up and walked away. My smiled faded. 

What is she doing? What happened?

I ran to her, wrapping my arms around her. She didn't move. I didn't feel her warmth nor love in the hug. 

"What are you doing here?" Her raspy voice spoke. 

I turned her around and scanned her face before hugging her again. Her arms stayed by her side, hanging motionless. 

"You shouldn't be with me. Leave. I don't want you here." She said in a cold voice.

My heart dropped. My arms slowly letting her go. 


"But nothing."

"I thought we-"

"There's nothing. I-I was only playing with you." 

-------Hyejin POV--------------

It took me a hard time to say that but I didn't show it. 

I began to walk away. He held onto my hand. 

"Isn't there another way or chance for us?" He sounded desperate. 

As much as I want to, I can't. I will end up being with Jongin and break his heart even more. 

"Let me go." His hand fell to his side, I walked away from his sight. 


What Taehyun didn't see were tears at the verge to fall from her eyes as Hyejin lost her touch of him. As she walked away, tears fell unconsciously. 

I'm sorry. Hyejin said to him...in her head. 

Hyejin got back home. She went straight to her room without a word. 

Taehyun went back to the dorm. He locked himself in his room. 

Neither spoke a word. People would try to comfort them, but they would either throw a fit or ignore the person. This goes the same with Jungmi and Jinwoo.

-------3 weeks later----------------------

Jungmi and Hyejin were finally allowed to go to school but they dreaded it. Since they will have a lot of homework, to make it worse, there would be bashing. Jungmi and Jinwoo's relationship was soon discovered not long after Taehyun and Hyejin's scandal. Hateful comments were posted everywhere on the internet. Though, there were a few positive comments, haters argued. 

WINNER had to stop their promotions. They were being punished and Jiyong got scolded for not teaching his sister how to act around idols. 

BIGBANG will be going to school with the girls to prevent any problems and support them. 

"Hyejin, Jungmi. You stick with us. Okay?" Daesung said. 

-----------Jungmi POV----------------------

Can we? After all this shit?! You think we'll be fine?! Not being able to spend time with them and being bashed, is called okay. You are fine. You will get through it?!!?!?!?!!

Nonetheless, I nodded. Hyejin hesitated. She was thinking the same thing. 

"You better stay with us. Forget Jongin. If he tries to get close to you, I punch the shits outta him." Seungri declared. I slightly smiled at his response. 

I took a deep breath before entering through the gates. The students immediately turned their attention to us.  

There were screams everywhere. I felt really uncomfortable. I was about to run back out of the gates but I saw him. He and his bandmates were coming out of the car with security guards. I turned back around as he looked in my direction.

-----------------Jinwoo POV------------------

I didn't want to come to school, but we were all forced out of the dorm. 

Body guards got in front of us for safety. As I turned to face the crowd, I saw Jungmi. She seemed really uncomfortable with the response. 

I would be there for her right now but I can't. Plus, she should be fine with the BIGBANG hyungs. Right?

The girls entered the school building so the attention was turned towards us. I sighed, ready for bombarding questions and screams. 

"Why oppa?! Why? Why did you have to go with that bitch!?!?!??!?" It was that or

"She's a bitch! I am much better! Pick me instead of her!" I wanted to run out of here. I want to go to Jungmi! 

I ignored them as we walked into the school. The students in our class were busy whispering and doing shit. I heard them boo the girls and question us when we entered. 

---------------------Taehyun POV---------------------

The moment I saw Jongin walk into the classroom I felt...ugh.

He sat down in a seat that is a bit close to Hyejin. I was boiling...Why am I? I should be neutral about this. Something is wrong with me! 

Stupid scandal shit. It was fine the way it was. Why did it have to happen when we were so happy?! 

Hopefully, they are okay. What am I doing?! She doesn't want me, so I don't want her either!

I crossed my arms and sat there in my seat. I heard horrible comments about Hyejin. I was about to get up and slap the girls across the face but I held it in. I felt a pair of eyes on me. 

I turned in that direction to see Hyejin's eyes. Her eyes pierced into my eyes for while before rude comments like, "Look how desperate she is" or "She is so ugly, how can he like her?" or "Why is she staring at him?" 

If I can, I would have stormed out of this place with her. Whoa, no, no, no, no. Taehyun, SHUT UP!


I hope you enjoy this chapter! So much drama, even for me! Please remember to vote or comment! Thank you!

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