"Sure, thanks J."

Your bedroom doesn't look like a bedroom at all, more like a small house. In the middle of the room there's a king size bed, probably too big for you but you don't even care. There's also a big TV and a PlayStation with all the videogames you like; "that was definitely Justin," you think. You check the wardrobe which is also huge and perfect for fitting all your clothes. The bathroom is as luxurious as the rest of your bedroom and it has a jacuzzi, which you already want to try. You take a quick shower and then you go meet your friend at the kitchen, just as he said.

"Didn't know you could cook," you say.

"I'm still learning, but I like it, it relaxes me," he serves breakfast. You try one of the grilled cheese sandwiches and moan in pleasure.

"This is so good," you say, still chewing "Like really, if you hadn't been a singer you would have been a chef of grilled cheese sandwiches"

"I know, right?" he laughs. "Alright, so I forgot to tell you i'm throwing a small party today, you know, some friends and music, and you are invited obviously".

"Sure thing, sounds fun. I'll have some rest before though, all the jet lag thing has me exhausted," you tell him.

"Yeah, I understand. Jet lag is a total bitch. By the way, I know you get a little anxious when it comes to meeting people and stuff, but you don't have to worry because there'll be people you know, like Adam and Olivia."

"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it. Too shy to meet new people."

"You should go and have some rest now, you do look tired," he says a bit concerned, like an older brother. You agree and go upstairs to your room to have some sleep.

Your alarm wakes you up and you groan in frustration. You do feel better but you wanted to sleep more. You take a bath after unpacking all your clothes and deciding what to wear for the party tonight. Justin had left you a note telling you to dress casual so you opted for a white tight dress that compliments your tanning and your eyes. After getting ready you decide to go downstairs just to see that the party has already started. You see a bunch of people and some friends you used to hang out with. You approach them and they let out a small squeak in surprise.

"Oh my god Y/N! What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming," says your friend Olivia while hugging you tightly.

"Yeah, Justin didn't tell us you were coming. You didn't tell us either," says the tall boy Adam while hugging you too.

"Surprise?" you laugh "I mean, you knew that I was coming but you didn't know when. I wanted to surprise you guys, I've missed you both"

"We've missed you too," says the girl.

Adam and Olivia aren't celebrities but they work in the same environment than them, that's why so many famous people are friends with them.

"Oh, let me introduce you to some of my friends," says the hazel-eyed girl. She shouts the name of a blonde girl who was nearby and she approach us with a huge smile on her face. You recognize her from somewhere; she's clearly famous and beautiful.You get a little shy, as usual. "Hailey this is my friend Y/N, Y/N this is Hailey". Of course, Hailey Baldwin, the model.

"Hi," she says nicely "I've heard a lot about you." That takes you by surprise.

"It's all lies," you say jokingly while gently shaking her hand. She laughs.

"I hope so. So what brings you to L.A.?" she asks curiously. She looks like a really friendly and likable person so far.

"Uhmm, I'm doing a project here, I kinda want to capture the beauty, life and people of Los Angeles." You explain to her

"Seems interesting. Once you finish it, show it to me, would you?"

"Yes ma'am." You nod.

You chat a little bit more with her about life and stuff. She seems like a really nice, caring and funny person to hang with. She seemed to think the same thing about you. She is telling you some funny story when a tall brunette girl move towards you. You don't look at her but you already know who she is. Kendall Jenner. The supermodel.

"Oh hi Kendall, I was telling Y/N about that awkward time I met Robert de Niro, remember?" Hailey says

"I do remember," the girl says with a small smile in her face. You can't stop looking at her, she's mesmerizing. You knew she was beautiful because you have seen her in magazines but she does look more beautiful face to face. Either way, she is beautiful and looking at you. You blush a little and pray to God that she didn't notice. "Introduce us?" she asks Hailey.

"Oh, right, my bad. Y/N this is Kendall. You probably have seen her in some magazines or in the tv. Kenny this is Y/N. Y/N will be staying in L.A, here in Justin's house for some time while she's doing a project," the blonde girl explains.

"Lovely to meet you," you say stretching your hand while offering a smile.

"Likewise," she says taking your hand in hers and making eye contact. You swear you are about to faint. Her hand is so soft and feels so right you don't want to let it go. You should probably let it go before it gets weird. Plus, you should stop these thoughts because she is probably straight and has a boyfriend. And if she was gay, she wouldn't even look at you, I mean, she could have any girl. "So, how do you know Justin? Are you two, you know, uhm, together?" she asks you.

"He wishes," you say jokingly "Seriously though, our families have known each other for a long time so we kinda grew up together while I lived in Canada. And this is the first time I stay in his house here in L.A." you tell her

"Oh, that's why I've never seen you before. I'd have remembered you," she says not breaking eye contact. Hailey quickly looks at her with a confused look but gets back in the conversation.

"Uhmm, I'll get something to drink because I'm thirsty as fuck, do you want me to bring anything?" asks Hailey

"I'm fine, thanks," you answer. Kendall shows Hailey her drink so she doesn't have to bring her anything.

"Alright, I'll let you two get to know each other. Bye," she quickly vanished.

"So..." Kendall starts.

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