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i had been searching for daehyun almost everywhere..
my home, entire college and the street where it's were the first time i saw him.

but it's ended up with a death way.
i dun know where did he go.
when i rewind back that moment when he saw jae in with youngjae.

i feel suffocated, mad and confused.
like seriously?

i just meet him for a passed few days and now...
why should i care about his feeling? like..

why should i act this way?!
why should i fcking care about him?
why did i being so protective over him?

in the deepest place inside me,
i really love when he was around me, although in a "soul" form...

to be honest, i do feel safe...
and now, he had been somewhere on earth that i dun know...
should i keep searching for him?
or let him be?
or waiting for him coming back to me? or just forget about this thing?
all those shit about youngjae and jae in...

should i just fade it way?

what will happen to daehyun?

will he wake up from his coma after this thing going worse?

did he hate me because of youngjae and jae in things?

will he find me again after this?

can i survive without a piece of guilty grow in me?

as those question playing and keep buzzing in my mind...
my phone ringing

-dr.moon jongup-

it's Dr. moon,
why did he called me?
is it something important?

i answered his call...


"hello's me Dr. moon"

"yes Dr moon...why did u call me?"

"about that, i remembered you once said that you're a friend of my patients...
his name was jung daehyun..."

"daehyun? ah yes he's my friend "

"since he had been in coma there's non of his family member
come visiting him here,
except for you and another girl...
but i just know you..
that's why i called you..."

"me? yes...what happen?"

"i called to inform you that...
mr.jung daehyun---"


without wasting any time left,
i stopped the taxi and rush to daesan hospital.

keep asking the taxi driver to drive way faster like im chasing over the time that keep ticking.

i ran into the hospital,
let the adrenaline blood pumps all over my body inside the veins ..

my breath become hard,
my step become fast,
my vision become clear..

"i called to inform you that...
mr.jung daehyun...
he's critical...
his heartbeats keep dropping in each second --- "

as i arrived at the ground floor level 6, which is daehyun room at..
i ran fast and push the door hardly..

and he..
he wasn't there...

he wasn't freaking there...

i put a step back and i bump into a nurse that in charge there...

"where's daehyun?? where's jung daehyun???"
i ask at that nurse..

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