Chapter 34- home sweet home

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"More or less." I said. I turned to Max.

"What she said." He said.

"That's good but Alice wants to check it through ." Dad said

"I know." I said.

"So do you two want to anything to say to Charlie and Sue?" He said. I thought for a minute then I realized what it was.

"Thank you!" Me and Max said at the same time. I got up from my seat and so did Max and we gave them a hug. They laughed and hugged us back I'm going to miss them.

"I'm going to miss you two!" I said.

"I'll miss you too." Grandpa and Grandma said. We sat back down and the door bell rang. I could tell it was Aunt Alice. Mum got the door and Aunt Alice came in.

"Hey guys! I have come to check your bags!" She said. The room was filled with heys, hi's and hellos. She didn't sit down instead she went straight upstairs to check on our stuff she took a few minutes and then danced downstairs.

"All done!" She sang and perched herself on edge of the sofa. Dad and Mum gave each other a look. Which meant shall we go now? They nodded at each other and they got up.

"Dad, Sue it is time for us to go because we can't be back so late." Mum said to grandpa and Grandma. They frowned and lead us to the door. I got on my jacket as did Max and we gave them one last hug.

"I'm going to miss you two." I said truthfully.

"We'll miss you too Amelia come down again won't you?" grandpa said.

"Hopefully and let's hope that our next arrival wouldn't only be for a wedding so we have loads of free time too." I said. We waved goodbye after we got in to the volvo and headed home. We said goodbye to Seth and Cheryl earlier it was sad but we'll meet again. The journey home was as long as the journey here but I wasn't bored because I had Max.

I soon succumbed into unconsciousness in Max's arms before we finally got home. When I woke up my tummy started to ache. Okay that's weird that hasn't happened before... I decided not to think about it.

As we entered the house me and Max half asleep trotted upstairs after announcing our arrival to the rest of the family. I looked at the familiar surroundings of our home. Home sweet home I thought. I am so happy to have a place to call home. I walked into my bedroom it looked the same. I got changed into my nighties and then said good night to Max. It's going to be weird sleeping alone even through there wad one day we didn't. Which was the night before the wedding I slept in the old house and Max slept in Grandpa's. I'll see Max in the morning anyways.


I woke and my tummy was still hurting okay that's still weird. I looked around my room everything is still the same. I inhaled and I smelt blood.

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora