Home Sweet Home

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"Here's your release papers sir." The kind nurse told us. It's finally been a week and a half , and Chris can come home. I was more then excited, I was tired coming back and fourth, now he can just sit in one place and heal.

Chris signed his papers , and we were on our way out. Before we left , his doctor gave me a care package, it had all the supplies Chris needed for his wounds.

I was all set at home too, I got his clothes and dinner ready. All I need to do is get him home. Chris would be staying at my house until he has the strength to walk on his feet. He can walk , but he needs crutches. I'm so glad I don't have stairs in my home, it saves me from struggling big time.

"You ready pookie?" I said wheeling him out of the hospital.

"I can't wait to take a damn shower." He grumbled.

"You can't baby. You have to take a bath instead."

"This some bullshit. I can't even take a damn shower."

"It's not that bad babe, I'll put lots of bubbles." I chuckled.

We approached my car, and I stopped in front of the passenger side.

"Where is your brother when I need him." I said to myself tapping my chin. I was trying to figure out how I was going to get him in the car without hurting him or me.

I opened up my car door and brought the wheel chair close to the seat.

"Okay babe, you have to help me out on this one."


He nodded his head and started to raise up from the chair.

He winced in pain and grabbed my arm.

"There you go." I huffed.

Chris was situated in his seat. That wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

"I'm going to take this back." I said referring to the wheel chair.


I shut the car door and walked back to the entrance of the hospital.


"We're home!" I cheered pulling into my driveway.

Chris didn't say anything but nodded his head.

"Okay." I said sarcastically, I don't know why he's so quiet right now. Yesterday he was talking my ear off about how excited he was to come home.

I got out of my car and walked over to his side. I opened the back seat door to grab his crutches.

"Okay babe. Let's get inside."

I reached for his arm and pulled him out.

"Ow fuck Kayla." He yelled wincing in pain getting out of the car.

"Sorry Chris." I leaned him against the car to shut his door.

"Here." I mumbled handing him his crutches.

"Let's go." I said walking behind him to my front door.

I know his road to recovery is going to be a handful, but he's going to have to take things one step at a time.

I opened the door with my key and walked inside. Chris hoped in behind me.

"My stomach is hurting. Where's my pills?" He referred to his wound on his abdomen.

"Let's get you to the room first." I said helping him maneuver through the living room.

A couple hops and few yell outs we were finally in my room. Chris was fed up with everything , and wanted to give up midway to my room.

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