He smiled at me "hi I'm Henry." He said as he put his hand out for me to shake.

I smiled and shook his hand.

"How did you get here?" I asked him.

"I was kidnapped by some people who worked for Pan." He said as he looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry." I said with sad face

"What about you, I thought Pan only took in boys?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I-I was kidnapped by Peter. He brought me here against my will and I've been trying to escape ever since."

"Why would he do that?" Henry asked with a confused look.

"Well he lo...." I was interrupted by a voice behind me.

"There you are my love."

I look behind me in the direction of the voice and saw Peter walking towards us with a smile on his face. As soon as he was right in front of me he pulled me up, wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing me on the lips.
After what seemed like forever he finally pulls away from the kiss.

"When I didn't see you in the tree house two things came to my mind. One your trying to run away again or two you wanted to meet our new lost boy." he chuckled then looked down at Henry who had a shocked look on his face.

"Well you two must be hungry, come and get your breakfast." Peter said as he started walking towards the kitchen tent.

I looked back at Henry with a sad look

"Oh." Was all he said "well don't worry my family's coming for me and you can come with us!" He said with confidence and hope.

I smiled "thank you Henry." I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.

After we pulled away from the hug me and Henry got our breakfast and sat down on a log with the other lost boys. Peter of course sat beside me and Henry was on the other side of me, after we ate the boys did their own thing. Me and Henry talked for a few hours until Peter came over and said he wanted to show Henry something so I was just sitting alone drawing patterns in the dirt.

(Mark's POV)

I watched Rose from the other side of Camp trying to gain up the courage to go and talk to her but what would I say? We haven't spoken since that day in the field. I truly do feel love for her and I want to help her but Pan would kill me. He already hates me so really I don't know why I'm still alive.

I got up from the log i was sitting on and was about to go talk to Rose until a strong hand grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back down on the log. I looked up to see who it was.

"Hello Mark." Pan said with a smile as he sat down beside me.

"H-hello Pan." I said nervously.

"Beautiful isn't she." He asked as he looked at Rose who was now talking with that Henry kid again.

"Uh yes she's very beautiful." I said.

Pan just chuckled

"Come walk with me." Pan  got up from the log and started walking into the jungle.

We walked in silence for awhile until Pan stopped with his back facing me.

"Tell me Mark how loyal are you to me?" He asked

"Umm I...." Pan interrupted me befor I could answer.

"Would you do anything to betray me in anyway?" He asked.

"No." I answered right away.

He chuckled darkly and turned around to face me with an evil smirk on his face.

"Then why were you kissing what rightfully belongs to me?" He asked as his eyes darkened and one eye brow was raised up.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about p-pan." I gulped.

All of a sudden I was flung back into a tree hard and vines magically wrapped around my body trapping me, Pan stood right in front of me with a pissed off look.

"You don't know why you kissed MY GIRL." He said through gritted teeth.

I stayed silent and the next thing I knew Pans first made contact with my face, blood was pouring out of my mouth.

"Oh don't play dum with me Mark. NOW TELL ME WHY YOU KISSED MY ROSE!" He yelled at me with his face close to mine.

"B-because I love her!" I said with confidence as I looked him in the eyes.

Pans eyes got even darker and his fist came smashing into my nose and I heard a cracking sound before my vision became all blurry, a rough hand grabbed my chin and forcefully pulled my head up.

"Your never going to see her again." Pans voice rang through my ears and then everything went black.

Peter Pans Kidnapped Love (Book #1 Completed) Where stories live. Discover now