Upcoming Works/Book Progress

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I thought I'd give you an update on all da books. Or atleast some of them.

We are almost finished with Pancakes and Paper Planes.

We are almost finished with Pancakes and Paper Planes

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I know crazy? Amy, I feel you. I'm not sure I can believe it.

But our next full-length novel is called Where I'm Not Wanted.

It should start releasing probably sometime soon after we finish Pancakes and Paper Planes. {Kat} is currently super busy so after June 11th, I will have freedom.  High School sucks sometimes peeps.

Basically, It's about bullies and depression and suicide. Dark topics but It will have some cute romantic aspects.

And a bossy Regina George Mean Girl

I also have two possible fantasy novels in the works.

One is a retelling {of sorts} of a Celtic Myth Character of Myth  The working title is: Raven's Curse

and the other is a  Medieval Fantasy Romance with LGBTQ elements {Does that not sound interesting?}  based on a Game of Thrones RP Story line that is currently in the beginning stages. It does not have a title yet.

Basically, the plot premise is Aline Lannister is a sarcastic sassy bitch who has a very intense hatred for her former best friend Aelin Douleur who is betrothed to King { IDK his name yet}. But when King {IDK} is murdered, leaving Aelin as Queen Regent of Foncéamour. Aline thinks she hates Aelin but in reality she's been falling for her for years. But she must hide her true feelings and have a faux marriage with Elias {Still think}. But Then stuff happens and she starts falling for Elias and Aelin.

Basically an epic love story about two former best friends and one really awkward false marridge set in a Medieval England/ France esque land called Foncéamour. It's gonna be  so much fun to write. Lots of heartbreak and some really hot makeouts.

If you have have name suggestions for the King, last names or titles Please comment below

I'm thinking Tiberius, Charles, Rhys, Tarquin, Quentin. I'm not using Arthur

I'm definately gonna use foreman because it means works with pigs.

Also, a final completed veriosn of High Definition {Short Story} shall be coming out to this wattpad by the end of May.

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