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Look who decided to update? Yes, it's me. Sorry, it's been almost a month. My life went crazy.

Rant Mode: Activiated 

From alpha to omega, find your one true mate with these free werewolf books that will make you howl.

That my friends is Wattpad's description for this genre. And that pretty much sums up the types of books in this genre.

There are Five main types of Werewolf books

1. The Alpha's whatever.... The Alpha's mate, abused, oracle etc basically you name some 

2.  The Alpha got me pregnant and rejected me or he really likes it.

Seriously tho people. Apparently the majority of werewolves are Alpha's. They always get  the girl pregnant and then reject them. That is seriously sad.  How many people reject their pregnant ex-girlfriends. In this universe a majority do. And if the guy doesn't reject her or dump her he always treats her like she can't do anything just because she's pregnant. Then the baby is always special and blah blah blah. More of that later

3. My [ fill in the blank whatever inappropriate family member, relation or "friend."] is my mate

[This list may include step-dad, dad, brother and or brothers best friend]

Sighs and shakes my head   

First of all people I thought I made this quite clear that the nasty relation is something that I see in a lot of Bad boy books and I hate it.  Not only is  that creepy but just imagine who your brother or mom feels about you being mated with their friend, husband etc. Can we stop writing books about incest and things that really are just creepy. This isn't Game of Thrones people Thank you.

4.  The you've got to be kidding me with that title 

these include

My sexy Italian kidnapper

1. Do you assume that all Italian's are sexy werewolves

My Italian greek god of a mate

His Passion

His Possession.

Again this is getting a little bad boyish again

1. Can we take a moment to appreciate how she say's "Italian" than "greek " I'm not  a genius but I thought the greek god were from Greece?

Another thing what is with Italian's and sexy wolves.

5. The Cleverly title ones which include

1. The Mating Season   {My personal favorite }

2. The Alpha calls me Kitten

I can't name very many of these

6. My something Luna [ Broken, Blinded, Muted, Abused etc ]

Why is the girl always special. She is always a super rare type of wolves  like a white wolf or something along those lines. I see just one tiny problem with that. There are too many "rare" white wolves. 

The next thing is the covers.

Cover requirements

1. Must either have some side view of some random girls who is either where something really skimpy or  a flower crown or some type of headpiece

2. A side view of a wolf howling

3. Some super ripped dude without a shirt. [back view is even better]

4. Some really attractive guy in a suit with a smirk on his face [ think Kellen Lutz or Taylor Lautner  type]

5. Two people making out in skimpy or zero clothing

6.  A shirtless dude with a baby

7. Someone's pregnant belly/babies [from the pregnant rejected/ really likes it types of books]

I'm sure these books have some good writing going for them because I don't really understand why people pick up these books. There insanely popular werewolf books with little originality in the plot.

I'll try not to judge by the cover but it's hard when I see the cliche titles and covers. There for I will probably not really ever appreciate this genre.

To be perfectly honest I find it creepy that people enjoy reading books about people getting raped rejected, hurt, abused and other things. It just seems like Wattpad should moderate who can look into the Werewolf Genre.

True Story: A couple of girls in my Jazz class { There like four years younger than me.} are convinced I'm going to marry/ I'm engaged to a  werewolf  vampire dressed as a zombie lion. Don't ask me why just because I was reading City of Fallen Angels {which does have Vampires and werewolves} but they call it "Twilight Junior." No offense to fans but there are no similarties.

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