36) He gives you a massage

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Ashton - "I mean she's just so moody all the time and it's starting to bring me down" you pause at the foot of the door listening in on Ashton's conversation with the boys "Well maybe you should talk to her" a voice you suspected to be Luke's mumbled "There's no point she wont speak to me it's like she doesn't want me around her anymore" a sudden feeling of guilt spreads through your body were you really making him feel like this? "Well you're gonna have to make her listen to you somehow" you gently walk towards the stairs careful not to make any noise. Once you reach the top of your stairs you go into your shared bedroom and snuggle under the covers feeling awful about yourself, you'd had a tough couple of days at work as your boss was making you work overtime with no extra pay. You hadn't told Ashton as you knew he'd worry about you and that's the exact opposite of what you want but instead you'd pushed him away. Your tears soak the pillow as you reminisce on all the times you had pushed him away over the past week, the door gently creaks open and Ashton meets your gaze with apprehensiveness present in those hazel eyes you had grown to love. "What's wrong?" he asks walking towards you with bounding steps you shake your head burying it deeper into his pillow. It smelt like his cologne. Ashton stood up once more and ran back downstairs to the boys making you worried, after hearing the gentle murmuring of Ashton's bandmates from the lounge you see his figure running back up the stars into your room. "Come here" he whispers pulling you into his arms "Talk to me, the boys are gone" you nod resting your head on his shoulder "I didn't mean to push you away" you mumble "You heard me?" he frowned "I'm sorry I just didn't want you to worry about me, I've been really stressed with work and I didn't want to stress you out but instead I pushed you away" he shook his head "You should have told me baby" he whispered rubbing circles on your lower back "Lay down on your stomach" you do as he says gently shuffling out of his comforting grip "Now tell me everything that's been stressing you out" he says moving his hands up and down your back "Well my boss made me work overtime with no pay, he says I need to 'assist the company more' as if my job isn't hard enough" you rant instantly feeling better from the small amount of talking you had done so far. His hands move to your shoulders gently brushing over a tense area making you jump "Sorry" he whispers but his hands remain over the area firmly massaging it until the stress knot was relieved "Thank you" you whisper finally feeling relaxed. Although your face is turned away from him you can tell he's smiling "Is this helping?" you nod "A lot" "Good, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" you nod "I'm sorry I pushed you away I just didn't want you to worry" "I know" he mumbles relieving another tight knot on your neck "But a relationship involves two people and we have to be able to talk openly to each other" you smile wondering how you deserved to luck out so much with Ashton "I love you" you whisper he leans down and places a lingering kiss on your neck "I love you too"

Calum - The bathtub had always been a place of relaxation for you. After a particularly stressful day at work the thought of laying back in the steamy water was one of your first thoughts. Your phone vibrated through your jacket pocket as you left the double story office you had grown to hate, "Hey babe how was work?" you hear Calum's energetic voice ring through the phone "Fine I guess, do you mind maybe making dinner tonight? I'm kind of tired" "Of course babe" you smile slightly at your boyfriends willingness to help around the house. The taxi you had called arrived 5 minutes late as usual and you hopped in the back wanting nothing more than allowing the hot water wash away your stress. After saying goodbye to Calum you put on your headphones trying to relax a little you didn't want to be too moody when you see your boyfriend especially after his willingness to make dinner. When you finally dragged yourself through the front door of your apartment Calum was waiting for you ready to embrace you in a warming hug, you told him you were going to take a bath fully aware of his concerned eyes watching you trudge up the stairs. After filling the tub with hot water and your favourite luxurious bubble bath you heard a gentle knock at the door, Calum walked in and leaned down to give you a lingering kiss on your forehead "You're stressed." he stated taking a seat on the edge of the bath "How did you know?" you asked staring up at your love "You always take baths when you're stressed" you nodded confirming his statement "So tell me what happened" he said in a low gentle voice "Well..." you began suddenly feeling his hands rub on both your shoulders "Mum called this morning and said she 'doesn't condone our decision to get married" Calum smirked slightly amused by your mothers over protectiveness, his hands moved lower down your back massaging the tense areas. "Then what?" he replied "My boss says I need to 'work a little harder if I want this promotion' I've done everything in my power what else am I supposed to do!?" you rant sighing once his hands run over your shoulder blades "I really love you" you smile feeling more relaxed by the minute "That's good because I really love you too" he laughed kissing your neck.

Luke - You enter the apartment with a loud groan throwing your back into the corner of the hall. Saying you were tired would be an understatement the pain coursing down your back was so bad it felt like you were about to cry. You walked up the stairs into your bathroom and took a painkiller, looking in the mirror the dark circles under your eyes were more apparent than ever and your hair that was previously in a neat bun was loose and messy. The amount of overtime you had done over the past weeks were killing you and some days you would stay for up to 3 hours meaning you only get to see your boyfriend for a little before having to get up early the next day. Your feet noisily dragged down the hall as you made your way to the bedroom wanting to snuggle next to your boyfriend and sleep, his face brightened into a cheerful smile when he see's you enter "Hey princess, how was work?" he asked turning off his phone and placing on the nightstand "Just peachy" you reply sarcastically making him chuckle. You tug off your shirt and jeans groaning as you climbed onto the bed "You okay?" he asked placing a hand on your thigh "No, my back is killing me" he pressed a lingering kiss on your forehead "Take tomorrow off then we can snuggle all day" you nodded although taking a day off wasn't ideal it was most defiantly needed. You groan as a pain shoots though your back "This hurts so bad" you mumble "Lay down" he instructs you, you rest your head on the pillow and feel the bed shift as Luke moves to straddle your waist he unhooked your bra and pressed his fingers to the tender spot above your shoulders making you sigh in pleasure. "Feels good?" you hum in reply gradually feeling more and more relaxed "You're really good at this" "So I've been told" he chuckles running his hands down your lower back making you quietly moan he smirks in reply. "You look tired baby" he whispered leaning down slightly to kiss your cheek "Sleep" you smiled under his touch and nodded "Thank you Luke" "No problem my love" he smiled running his hands over your skin.

Michael - You let out a sigh as the steaming hot water runs down your ache's and pains. With all the stress of your friends recent divorce you had to push all of your troubles away to be there for her making you forget to leave time for you to relax. You turn off the shower switch and reach for a fluffy towel, after tying up your hair you head for your bedroom to get a change of clothes. As you entered the room Michael immediately stood up and engulfed you in a warming hug, his lips met yours roughly yet passionately. He hungrily kissed you whilst guiding you to your shared double bed, after placing you on the crisp white sheets he removed you towel admiring your body a little before throwing it to the floor. He took a bottle of off the nightstand and lathered the liquid onto his hands "You deserve this (Y/N). You've been doing too much for others over the past few days" his hands caressed your back making your skin tingle as he rubbed over the tender stress knots you were like liquid in his hands melting under his every touch. Once he was finished he leaned down and placed a kiss behind your ear "I love you so much babe, goodnight" he laid down next to you and pulled you into his chest as you both fell asleep.

Sorry these were all different lengths...😂

- The best is yet to come.

Hi my lovelies!

OMG 5SOS ARE IN THE UK...!? are  any of you going to see them? I'm going to their Brighton show  with mah bff.  Please comment any requests or ideas and remember to vote if you liked it! By my little...Taco shells? (I really need to work on that 😂 ) also should I start leaving the links to 5sos keeks instead of a gif or as well as a gif?

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