35) You're tired

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Ashton - You were close to losing the battle with yourself to keep your weak eyes open Ashton would be home in less than 5 minutes and you always wanted to be there to greet him. You yawned hoping Ashton would arrive soon, after a few more impatient minutes of waiting you heard the front door open and saw you hazel haired boyfriend walk into the lounge. After taking one look at your tired domineer he took 3 striding steps towards the sofa that you were sitting on "Hey" you whispered as he scooped you up in his strong built frame. He smiles and kisses your nose "Close your eyes" he whispers calmly walking towards the bedroom "Go to sleep Princess, I'll be here when you wake up" his hand traces patterns and shapes along your side until sleep had taken over your body. Ashton smiled taking in the sight of you, you were beautiful even in your most intimate and insecure moments.

Calum - Calum had always had a protective domineer around you. He would always be willing to keep you safe and happy, after a long day of stressful work you walk through the threshold into your bedroom. It took just one quick glance from Calum to recognise how exhausted you were "C 'mere love, you're tired lest get you to bed" you nod your lips curling up into a small smile at Calum's protective nature. After collapsing onto the large double bed Calum tucked you under the crisp white duvet and kissed your forehead lovingly, he drew shapes on your thigh until you drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Luke - Jetlug (This was a typo but its accurate af so I'm gonna keep it 😂) was something that luckily rarely affected you. Although, after the 6 hour flight back home with Luke you were exhausted, with the finals just around the corner you had no time for sleep only adding to your body's lack of energy. You sigh throwing your maths text book onto the dining table "I can't do this Luke" you mumble placing your head into your hands "Honey you're exhausted you need to sleep" Luke frowned kneeling down next to you "I can't I don't have time" she shakes his head taking your hand into his "(Y/N) you wont be able to absorb any information if you're tired" you nod Luke's words did make sense. Without protest Luke picked your limp body up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom "Sleep" he whispered tucking you in under the covers before he snuggled in after you.

Michael - "No the chorus should be longer" Michael frowned talking to his bandmate through the webcam on his laptop. You wiped your eyes trying to wake yourself up after that attempt poorly failed you decided to rest your head in your hands "No the chorus is fine I think we need a longer- hey Michael" Ashton smirked pointing to you through the screen. Michael's gaze was quickly averted from the screen onto you, barely audible snores were escaping your lips making Michael smile "She's tired, I better go Ash" Michael said wrapping an arm around your shoulders Ashton nods understandably turning off his webcam. Michael gently moved one arm down to your hips to pick you up, you start to stir as he carries you over to the bed "Shh I've got you" he says kissing your cheek. After tucking you under the sheets he lays down next to you humming a tune he created in his head "I love you" he smiled kissing your head once more.

- Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

Hi my lovelies!

I really hope you enjoyed this preference I wanted to upload a better one but I got serious writers block on the last preference so sorry about that 😳 but on the bright sie I'll upload tomorrow Maybe I'll do double upload!?!?

Please request and comment, and I'll see you tomorrow! Bye Xx

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