Switch: Your Entertainment

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-LORD DEATH'S p.o.v-

I wonder if Witch Eruka is responsible for this? I tap my chin as I sit down at my desk looking at Maka Albarn's school profile. She's definitely not from here.... But the resemblance is still very much the same. It's very evident she's not from here though. How no one saw it before, is beyond even me.

I rotate in my chair so I'm facing the never ending cemetery inside my office. I tap my fingers together. Now, how do I get her back to her world?

"Lord Death, you summoned me," I hear a bored tone ask from behind me. Ah, my second hand man has decided to show up finally.

Hm, odd, he actually came. When I summoned him, I specifically mentioned his daughter....even so he came....

I raise an eyebrow, I wonder if he'll even care that she's gone. I turn around to face Spirit Albarn, "yes, I did."

I tap my fingers together boredly, "there have been some complications with your daughter-"

Spirit interrupts me mid-sentence, "unless she's dead, and or dying, I don't care, may I leave now?"

I narrow my eyes down at him, I wasn't finished. "Let me think about it," I say boredly. "No," I say with a sigh, "I am not finished and I understand that's how you feel, but she could be dead for all I know."

I watch as Spirit's eyes widen at my words, "what do you mean?"

I prop my elbows up on my desk, amused. I wonder why he is so concerned now. I can't tell if he's worried or shocked. I narrow my eyes looking at him boredly.

"Your daughter, the one in this world right now, isn't actually your daughter. Well, she is, but she's from a different world that is," I say resting my head on my entwined fingers. "Your daughter may be dead for all I know."

"I-I don't understand," Spirit says looking at me confused and curiously.

"The Maka here died about an hour ago. I was able to get her soul back from the Under World with the help my sons. Upon reviving her, I realized, she's not from this world." I can't help but slightly smile looking at Spirit's helpless expression of despair, "everything that happens in this world probably has happened or is going to happen in this Maka's world. It's basically just a mirror dimension. Meaning your Maka may or may not be dead and or is, or isn't going to die."

I yawn boredly, "it's all rather complicated and complex."

"How can I get my daughter back," Spirit snaps angrily watching my amused expression.

"Witch Eruka or some witch in this Maka's world must've used the Alternative World Spell," I say tapping my chin. I'm not entirely sure, who is responsible, but hell will be paid once I find who IS the cause.

"I'm here to help...., can I go talk to Maka," Spirit asks looking at me neutrally.

I shrug, "I suppose so." I lean back in my chair sighing, "but remember she isn't actually your daughter."

I yawn shooing Spirit away, "it'd be wise of you to advise her friends as well. It's okay to converse with this Maka, but don't get too attached. She's not actually our Maka."

-CRONA'S p.o.v-

"We have reached the Evans's Manor," I say as I stop the car in front of the mansion's main door driveway. I'll never not be amazed when I see this place.

Then again, with Soul's preppy and poise attitude, you kind of get the impression he's from a rich family anyway. He's actually pretty laid back though, he's not like most rich kids that rub it in your face and are snobs.

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