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"I'm boooooored!" Dex exclaims laying on the backseat while putting his foot in my face.
I slap it away.
"I'm driving Dex." I answer with a chuckle.
"Can I drive?" He asks while sitting up straight.
"Last time you did you nearly crashed into a mini."
"That was only because one I was driving my truck and two those things shouldn't exist I would've done the world a favor."
Rey chuckles and rests her head against the window as me and Dex continue our discussion of how dangerous he is on the road.
She takes my hand and rubs her thumb over it making me relax because the thoughts and events of a few hours ago still haunt me.
She leans in to my ear and gives me a kiss on my cheek making me close my eyes for a second and hold on to the moment.
"Want me to drive." She whispers taking me back to the moment we were in bed together and last night.
Suddenly I remember what happend. I wasn't even able to walk and she brought me home not at all with the intention to get into bed with me. She was so cute trying to hold me up my feet while whispering to me I needed to stay awake and begging me not to throw up in her new car.
Then she brought me inside, I was giggling as if I had taken something more than just alcohol but nope that is just how I get after one to many beers.
She took me to my room and was surprised to see it barely changed besides the posters of the bands I am currently hooked to.
We talked a bit about what happend and how happy I was to see her again. When she wanted to get up and leave I pulled arm and dragged her on top of me. I kissed her and she pulled back looking into my eyes.
"Are you sure? You aren't thinking straight, Charlie."
"True I'm thinking gay and right now at this moment I want you."
I answered and for some reason those sentences echoe through my head.
I still can't remember how we ended up in my parents their bedroom but I'm atleast happy she didn't take adventage of me.
We take a break at a gasstation and switch seats. Dex sits in the front so I can take a nap in the back, who knows maybe he and Rey will have some life changing conversations or Dex will starts talking shit about all the stupid stuff I have doen in the past 7 years.
I close my eyes and pretend to drift off to sleep while secretly listening to Rey and Dex their conversation.
"So how did you meet her." Rey finally breaks the silence.
"Same old same old two closeted gays meet in drama club."
"Sounds like you guys became instant best friends."
Dex laughs as we both know that is not how it started. I ahve to surpress a chuckle as I remmeber how much Dex and I hated eachother.
"The first time we looked at each other was when she rudly corrected me during drama class. I don't remember what it was but from that moment I hated her wise ass guts."
"Sounds like Charlie did she do the hair flip thingy?"
"The one where she roles her eyes and gives you the stink eye."
Rey hits the stearing wheel while laughing.

"Yes exactly that."

"Yeah she did and it made me furious and than a few weeks later we got assigned together for a dramatic scene, I came over to her house immediately noticed her homophobic mother and douche bag brother and started feeling sorry for her."
"You did?" I spoke out no longer eavesdropping.
"Were you pretending to sleep?"
Rey asked looking at me and then quickly back to the road when she realized she was driving.
"Sort of."
"How did you two end up fake dating?"

Rey asked curiously starring from Dex to me to the road as Dex and I looked at eachother.

Dex scratches his neck awkwardly while scrapping his throat. I put my hand on his shoulder as a sign that he needs to lie. He nods but looks at me with  concernend eyes and furrowed brows as he speaks.
"I don't know exactly how we both confessed our gayness but since we were both dealing with homophobic parents we kind of rolled with it especially since both of them already thought we were dating."
"So with me in the picture now does this end?" She gestures her hand towards me and Dex.
"Of course where we are going there don't have to be secrets anymore or fake relationships, we can all just be our gay selves atleast for a few weeks."
I give her a kiss on the cheek and hang back into the backseat this time trying to fall asleep for real.
I hear Dex and Rey talk but don't pay attention to their words as I am too far away in my own thoughts.
I should not have made Dex lie about how we started dating but the real reason is way darker and of course involves my brother someone Rey doesn't need to hear about at this moment. It is better if she knows nothing for all I know I will never see my family again so she might even never find out and if she does then I know she won't stay.
Let's just hope my brother is going to be smart for once and won't tell my mother. She would personally lead the police brigade trying to look for me and Dex to arrest us for manslaughter.
Even though Johnny was involved he would lie to mom and the police to get me and Dex framed for his murder even though we made a pact to never speak nor think about it again yet now it is all I can think off.

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