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So, based on the title, you might think that this is one of those lovey-dovey stories about a girl who was hit by cupid's arrow and fell violently in love with a guy, and then they had a bunch of kinky sex and whatnot. 

But, this isn't. 

Linea isn't like most girls.
She plays soccer and is the only girl at who school who is crazy enough to play goalie.
She is a great goalkeeper and has earned the respect from her team, the school, and the other teams she plays against.
All of her good friends are soccer playing guys, her hair is short, her arms are muscular, and when wearing baggy clothes, she is easily confused for a guy.
Some call her lesbian, some call her weird, some call her ridiculous, but they can't argue with her goalkeeping abilities. 

Mateo isn't like most guys.
He plays soccer on the school team and is their star striker.
No one else on either the boys or girls teams have scored nearly as much as him, and he knows that he is good.
He is tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular.
He hangs out with the soccer boys and that kind of group and everyone at school is confident that he will someday go pro. 

Naturally, Mateo and Linea are best friends.
Star striker and star goalie, the ultimate team.
They practice together and improve, they text for hours and hours on end, they talk in school, and everyone is itching for them to get together.
But, that's not how they see one another. Linea and Mateo always play pranks on one another and enjoy making the other one humiliated.
But then again, that's what best friends are for. 

Now, lets through something new into the equation.
A new kid to question Mateo's rule in the game of soccer. A boy who tries to steal Linea from Mateo. And a bow and arrow. 

So, what does The Star Girl Goalie + The Star Boy Striker + A New Kid to Challenge the School's Soccer Records + A Bow and Arrow Equal?

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