Troublesome ON HOLD

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I'm Lara Williams, the most popular girl at Redford High School, and I, have just graduated.


Finally, I was a woman, I never have to go back to high school, ever. I am independent, grown up, ready to live, and battle the world. Back at school, me and my mates were the leaders, we owned the school, I wouldnt describe us cool, more like confident. No one annoyed us, tried to join us, they knew that if they did, all they would get is, well, you can probably guess. And by us, your probably asking who do I mean by 'us'? Well, they called us, destruction. Myself, Cleo, Tanya, Maddy, Anna, Sarah, Ella, Willow, Natalie, Carrie, Tom, Dan, Ryan, Alex, Jake, Caspar, Henry, Zander and Charlie.

We followed nobody, except one person, yes. even we worshipped someone, one guy, who before we took charge and he left, was the god, more popular than us, than anyone, his name, was Kyle Clifton, head boy, and the most handsome human to ever exsist, golden brown hair, six pack, green eyes, and hard to get noticed by him.

He left, 3 years ago, which is when we took charge of the school, gaining followers every day, and even the teachers didn't mess with us, we meant trouble.

I was sat at home, on my laptop, after a long day, everyone had changed their schools on facebook, to whatever college they were starting after holiays, I wasn't, I was taking a gap year, hoping to go somewhere, do something before I start anything serious. I had my favourite film, sucker punch on, they were my idols, babydoll, especially. That's were I gained my confidence, how I became who I am today, many say I remind them of babydoll, brave, independent, strong. I don't play games. I thought I was much alike her aswell, her dad abused her, mine didn't, but he left us. Me, my mum and Poppy my little sister, well little, 14. God knows where he is now, I don't care anymore, since then, ive changed, for the better I think.

Suddenly I heard my notifications beep, I had a new message, from... Kyle?!

Kyle: Hi, congratulations on graduating high school! Looks like Redford will be looking for a new leader.

Me: Thankyou! I guess they will. Any reason your talking to me?

Kyle: Yes, after I left, I didn't stop finding out what the school was like, and found out you and your group of mates were the new leaders, destruction? Anyway, I admired you and thought, when these girls and guys leave, im going to show them how to live life as a teenager, whilst you still can. So im taking destruction on holiday, to LA for the summer.

I almost dropped my laptop, im sorry LA? Do the other know about this? We are going on holiday with KYLE CLIFTON? Could I? Could I leave mum and poppy for the whole summer? I guess...

Me: Wow, that's, amazing! Have you told the others yet?

Kyle: Yep! They are all saying the same thing! We leave next Wednesday, if your up for it? We will meet at mine at around 8am and get the plane at 12:30, and get back 10th September.

Me: I'll be there! Thankyou so much!

Kyle: Great! See you next week!

Let summer begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2013 ⏰

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