Green and Brown

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I walked hesitantly into the school building. I kicked the stones on the ground, trying not to drive myself into a panic. Many of the colors I saw have faded now. Only two remained vivid. I didn't know the names of them.

I can still see the color of the layer of grass covering the ground. The color of the faintly moving trees, and their leaves that flutter down to the ground softly in swirls of color. I see the color that's on one student's backpack, and another person's shoes.

I also see the color of the trunks of the tree. I can see the rich color of the dirt, varying in different tones that all work together to form one coherent whole. The color of the Woden desks inside the classroom, dead from years of learning.

Only two colors can I see clearly after twenty-four hours apart from him. I don't even know their names. Hopefully, I'll learn them eventually.

The school hall was bustling. I saw everyone except for the person that I want to see. I can see the color bleeding out of lockers. If I don't talk to Rhidian, this beautiful world could be lost forever.

All of a sudden, I had a flash of realization. I turned right back around the way that I came, pushing the doors open and letting the cold air stream across my face. I walked towards the willow tree, and see a figure there, sitting at the base of the tree alone.

"Rhidian!" I called from a few paces away. I couldn't see his face, but I knew that it was him. He looked up, and then looked away.

"We need to talk, Rhidian," I stated firmly.

"No, we don't. Just go away. Back to your Asher." He turned away.

"You know what?" I get angry, sitting down across from him, "You're a blockhead jerk, and we've had enough heart to heart conversations to last a lifetime, so let's get straight to the point. Do you see it?"

"See what?" He asked angrily.

"Nothing's changed? Nothing seems... Different?" I asked, my hope slowly fading.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Now stay away from me until you stop pining after your Prince Charming," he spit before he gets up, walking away into the forest.

He doesn't see it. I'm now certain. How could this have happened? During my whole life, I had never heard of this. Not once in known history had a soul mate relationship been one sided. I just need time to think.


I set down my bag in the hall. It's only the morning, but skipping school doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters to me in that moment.

I walked into the kitchen, expecting an empty table, but I was greeted by the sight of my mother's back.

"Hi, mom. Did you get off of work early?" I asked, trying to act chipper but failing.

My mother turned around slowly. Her eyes are normal, but pleading and full of pain. "Please help me." Her voice was normal. This is a different phenomenon altogether than that I was used to.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Get the boy. The one you love," she grabbed my wrist. I had never seen her like this. Not without a raspy voice and obvious possessed demeanor.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you just sleep it off." I said warily.

"No. I'm me. And I can stay this way. Just get me the boy. Rhidian. I know that I hurt him last time, but last time I wasn't myself. She was possessing me." My mother pleaded.

"You're not supposed to know about. How do you know?" I asked carefully.

"Flashes have been coming back to me. Memories of what's actually happening during my black-outs. I'm sorry that you have to be out through this, but if you get me the boy, it will never happen again. I can be normal. You can be normal, too. I promise that I won't hurt him." She begged.

I imagined in my minds eye what my life would be like without her fits. "Do you promise not to hurt him?" I asked softly. Not that I cared, or anything.

"I promise," she replied, staring straight into my eyes.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you. I don't trust you to not hurt him. But I will bring him, okay?" I asserted seriously.

My mother looked down at the ground sheepishly. I almost felt bad before I thought about all of the pain she had caused me. She nodded so that I could see.

I walked out of the door without saying another word. How I was going to get Rhidian to come was a mystery.


I walked deeper into the forest. I still had a hard time finding the Riverbed, even though all you had to do was walk straight. I eventually find the small clearing by listening for the sound of running water.

I saw a figure on the bank of the stream, so I yelled, "Hey Rhidian!"

His head turned up, his hood falling away. "Have you come to grovel for my forgiveness?" He asked.

"No," I state. "I'm here to ask you a favor."

"You've got a lot of nerve, coming back here and asking something from me," he spit angrily.

"Well, that's me. The one who does stupid things. And anyways, the favor is not for me. It's important," I try to show how important this favor is by adding emphasis to my words.

"Shoot, then. What's important enough to anger me even farther?" He asked sarcastically.

"It's my mom. She says that if I bring you to her, she could potentially stop her fits," I explained.

This gets his attention. His head snaps up, looking at me. "And you would trust her? After what she did to is last time?" He looked to the scar on my cheek.

"She is my mother, Rhidian. I love her, and if I have to drag you kicking and screaming to fix this, then I will," I asserted calmly.

"But do you trust her?" He asked again.

"Of course I do," I stated.

Rhidian got to his feet hesitantly. He said softly, "We had better get going then. But just remember, Kya. I'm not doing this for you."

He then turned and walked towards the school, taking long strides so that I had to jog to catch up. He seemed rather reluctant to go, but he was coming. I might have accidentally brushed his arm, because all of a sudden, color returned. I could see it in the colorful flowers. This time, I wasn't as shocked, so I kept jogging along his side.

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