The New Kid

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I walk into school the next day, not entirely sure if I want to risk Mr. Sade's threat of detentions for the rest of the year. I would probably skip again the next time my mother had a fit, but that couldn't be helped.

I sit down where Mr. Sade tells me to, and I wait. The bell rings, and the seat next to me is still empty. Apparently, he doesn't need me that much. Or maybe he got lost.

Ten minutes into the lesson, the door opens. A boy who I've never seen before comes in. He must be Rhidian. He's wearing a black leather jacket and jeans. His hair is stylishly roused. He has light gray eyes that have a mischievous glint in them as he looks around the room. For my whole life, all that I've been able to see is gray, black, and white, but he's one of the only ones to make it look good.

I was expecting... Well, I was not expecting Rhidian to look like that.

He sat down in the empty desk beside me, not saying a word. We sat in silence as Mr. Sade droned on about World War Four. I tried not to look at Rhidian as he sat beside me, but I really wanted to.

"My name's Rhidian," his deep voice says from beside me. Even though Mr. Sade probably already told him my name, I try to be polite.

"I'm Kya," I replied. "Nice to meet you."

We went back to silence.

"I just want you to know," he whispered a minute later. "That I don't need your help. Your teacher explained the situation, and I don't need any extra tutoring or help finding my classes."

I really wanted to take him up on his offer of letting me leave him alone, but I couldn't. "You don't understand. I have to help you, or else I could have detentions for the rest of the year or be expelled, even. I've missed a lot of school this year, and this is the only way to fix that."

He looked at me, impressed. He seemed like the type to know what it's like, skipping a lot of school days. "Okay then, fine. How about you pretend to help me sometimes, and other than that, we mainly leave each other alone. Deal?"

"Deal," I replied. I didn't know exactly what our deal called for, but I felt the start of a small friendship that might have been a bit forced. Oh well, he wasn't that bad to be stuck with.

He slipped me a note right before the bell rang for lunch.

Meet me at lunch at the bench by the willow tree. I think that we need to get our story straight before Mr. Sade asks us about what we're doing. Don't worry, it won't take long.

I know exactly what bench he's talking about. It was always my favorite spot because no one ever went there since a rumor had started that it was haunted. I didn't believe in ghosts, and I guess that he hadn't heard the rumor yet.

The bell rings, and he's gone before I can even confirm that I will not be there. I shake my head to myself and sigh, annoyed, as I reluctantly head to the bench to meet him.

Hi readers! What do you think of Rhidian? Is he cool or snobby? I would love to hear your feedback!
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