Under The Willow

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I'm at the bench and he's not here. He has the nerve to ask me to waste my time and he's not even here.

I lie down on the bench, flat on my back, and stare up at the swaying willow leaves. I have always loved this tree and it's calming presence.

I heard someone clearing their throat. I got up suddenly, patting my hair down so that it didn't stick up in odd angles.

"Um... hi," I said awkwardly. A terrible second impression if I've ever seen one.

"Yeah," Rhidian says to me, "So. I was just thinking that we should get our story straight for anyone who asks. What day we are 'tutoring,' and such."

"Okay, I tutor you on Tuesdays and Thursdays." I replied.

"Where?" He asked.

"Um... It changes. So that they can't try to find us studying."

He deliberated for a second, staring off into the distance. His gray eyes wandered around, soaking in everything. He looked at the school building, the grounds, and then he turned and stared at me. He nodded. "Okay, that will work."

"If you ever do need help with your schoolwork-" I said.

He interrupted. "I won't ask you. Not that I'll need the help."

"I just wanted to say that if you ever really need my help, I will help you." I replied.

He grimaced as if something was bothering him. "Thanks for the offer, but I won't need your help." And with that, he got up and left without a good-bye. He didn't even look back as I stared at his back as he retreated into the distance.
I arrive home and hear a raspy voice. Great. This wasn't supposed to happen for another few days.

I walk softly into the kitchen, not knowing exactly what to expect, although I have a good idea.

The woman who is usually my mother faces me. She has bright, glowing green eyes where her usually brown eyes lay.

"Danger lies where the rooster cries." More nonsense. Just what I need.

I had tried reasoning with her before to no avail, but I still had to try. "Mom, listen to me. You're not you. Just calm down."

She didn't like that. She picked up whatever was next to her and threw it at me. That item, unfortunately, happened to be scissors.

I tried to block them, but she seemed to have inherited inhuman strength from whatever was... Possessing her. It headed towards my face, straight on target. I raised my hand just in time, and the scissors slammed into my right hand. Pain shot up the back of my hand, and I started bleeding profusely.

I cried on the floor. Thankfully, my mother left me alone. I didn't dare try to cross the room and walk past my mother to get to the bandages. I crawled underneath the table where my mother couldn't see me and ripped off a part of the tablecloth. I double-wrapped the blue, flowery material around my right hand.

I sleep there that night, underneath the kitchen table, shivering from the cold, starving because I hadn't eaten.

The next day, I decide to go to school. I always skip when my mother has these fits, but maybe it will be good to get away.

My mother passed out in the restroom, where the bandages are. I don't want to wake her, so I go to my room and tear off a piece of a white t-shirt that I had grown out of. I made sure that my bandages were securely fastened before heading to school.
I arrive late, but Mr Sade isn't there. I go through my first few periods undisturbed. Third period comes around and I start thinking that I should have just skipped school today.

When I arrive at Mr. Sade's third period class, there's a substitute. I'm now convinced that not coming to school would have been more beneficial to my health.

When I look over to my desk, Rhidian is already sitting next to it. When he sees me, he grins. I walk over and sit next to him.

"I didn't think you were going to come," he whispered to me.

"Why?" I asked. I hadn't told anyone how close I had come to not coming.

"I just got a feeling," he said, shrugging. His wandering eyes landed on my bandaged hand. "What happened?" His hand went to hold mine, but he looked as if he was worried that he would hurt it, so he didn't.

"I tripped," I said, covering my bandage with my sleeve.

"No, you didn't," he said seriously. "You're lying. I can tell. What really happened?" He asked.

"Just drop it," I said, refusing to talk about this for any longer. He tried to bring it up again, but I was stubborn. Almost as stubborn as him.

I stopped talking to him completely. I sat and listened to the class in silence, and so did he. I thought that he didn't really care, that he was being polite. That he would drop it if I stopped talking to him.

   Just talk to me. I won't bring it up again.

I sighed. I guess I couldn't stay mad at him. He was just trying to be polite to a person that he had just met. It was nothing personal.
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