Chapter 19 : Helping Kili

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The murmurs of men coming in from a hard day's work fill the tavern, causing me to grumble in my already horrible mood. I don't know how long I've been sitting in this corner of this dark dingy tavern, but it's beginning to seem less dark and dingy with every hour I stay. I take a sip out of my cup of hot ale, pulling my hood further over my head to try and snuff out the fish smell that had followed the dozen men in.

Glancing towards the window, I see the sun slowly begin to fade over the horizon. Impatiently, I begin to twirl my cup around and return to my mind once more for the hundredth time today. The same questions flash through my mind, still having had no answer after the other million times they passed through my train of thought. Where should I go from here? Should I go after the dwarves? Should I just stay here? Should I look for Gandalf? Or maybe Bard?

I sigh, once again having no answer as though I'm waiting for a voice in my head to tell me. I don't have anywhere to go, and I don't know where to go. I suppose that's nothing new more me, but this time, I feel incomplete, like I haven't finished this quest, so I feel empty. Like I need something to happen to fill in spare time I shouldn't have. I sigh again. I could head back to the Bree, that's a regular stop for me...or maybe I could head to the Shire to wait for Bilbo's return. That's if he makes it back...

Immediately shaking that thought from my hand, I stand, grabbing my bag and bow. I can't sit around any longer, my own mind is going to drive me insane if I don't do something. I pay for the ale on my way out of the tavern, deciding to hit the road and see where that takes me. Not a solid plan, but better than sitting around and letting my own negative thoughts eat me alive.

I walk out the door of the tavern and begin to walk down the streets of Lake Town, which are all very crammed between people and crates stacked up. I lean myself against a wall as three children run along the decking, giggling and screaming as they disappear through the maze-like town. I grumble to myself as a cold gust of wind hits my face, I wrap my cloak further around myself.

Asking around, I try to hunt down someone to pay to take me across the Lake, which turns out to be a lot harder said than done. If they don't ignore me and continue walking, they come up with some excuse or even ask for more payment then offered, in more way then one. Of course, I make a sassy remark to those ones and continue my hunt. I had thought about hunting Bard down and asking, but then I thought that unwise when remembering how unhappy he'd be by the fact I sided with Thorin. Of which now, I am hugely regretting.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to let Gandalf talk me into this. Typical Ivy, can't say no to a little excitement! Just must do something with all the spare time she has, never thinking of the consequences until after they happen. Stupid, brainless, idiot! That's why Gandalf came to me, he knows me too well. He knows how eager I am to get out and about...speaking of Gandalf. Why hasn't he met us here in Lake Town? My thoughts suddenly wonder as I realise Gandalf had asked we meet him at Lake Town. That obviously didn't happen because of Thorin. However, I'm confused as to why he wasn't here. I try to remember what he said before leaving us, but I can only recall being in a foul mood about Mirkwood being so different.

I hear a distant voice yelling, but I don't react to it, continuing my path lost in thought "Ivy!" a familiar voice cries out, pulling me from my thoughts "Ivy!" I feel a firm hand grab my arm, yanking me around to face them. I'm taken back by the sudden contact, taking a moment to get my bearings. Turning around, I look up but find the person holding my arm is shorter than me. I look down, confusion taking over when I see Fili's beading eyes staring up at me in distress.

"Fili? What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"Kili's sick," Fili says, his voiced panicked as he turns to point. I look in the direction he gestures to see Oin and Bofur holding up Kili, who appears to be pale and unable to walk himself "Thorin told him to stay behind so we stayed with him."

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