Chapter 1: Those Who Challenge The Sun

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"I seriously doubt it." Ed said seriously.

Van pouted because Ed and Al didn't laugh at her joke.

"Hey guys, how are you liking your first miracle gathering?" Rose asked happily.

'Those aren't miracles he's swindling you.' Van signed, but Rose didn't understand so Ed told her what Van said.

"Now Van and Ed, we don't know that. We just know he's ignoring the laws." Al said.

"What laws?" Rose asked, unamused.

"This isn't witchcraft it's a science and you don't make things out of thin air." Ed said.

'To make something you have to have an equal amount as what you started with. And the base elements have to be similar too.' Van wrote down on a piece of paper and handed it to Rose.

Just then they looked at Cornello and he brought a bird back to life. Ed grinned.

"What do you say now guys? I'll bet you can't do that with alchemy. It's a true miracle, it has to be." Rose said on the verge of tears.

With Cornello:
"Edward Elric?" the guard asked.

"Yes. Word has it he was certified as a state alchemist when he was only 12 years old." Cornello said.

"What about Van Elric?" The guard asked.

"I don't know much about her. She keeps to herself and never answers questions." said Cornello. "The military they work for must have witnessed our paradise and wished to intervene. We must get rid of them and fight back while we still can." he finished.

"Yes, sir." and with that he left. Cornello grinned.

With Edward:
"So if you pray and polish the alter enough times someone dead will be brought back to life?" Ed asked  with Van sitting next to him.

"Something like that." Rose turned around and smiled.

Edward sighed,
"Water, 35 liters. Carbon, 20 kilograms. Ammonia, 4 liters. Lime, 1.5 kilograms. Phosphorous, 800 grams. Salt, 250 grams. Saltpeter, 100 grams. Sulfur, 80 grams. Fluorine, 7.5. iron, 5, silicon, 3 grams, and trace amounts of 15 other elements."

"What's that?" she asked.

"It's all the ingredients of the average adult human body. Down to the last specks of protein in your eyelashes. And even though science has given us the entire physical breakdown, there's never been a successful attempt at bringing a human back to life. There's still something missing, something scientists haven't been able to find in centuries of research. So what makes you think that half-job priest with his parlour tricks is gonna be able to?" Edward questioned. Van nodded and smirked.

"Well you bring someone back to life!" Rose said.

"Just a matter of time, Rose. Science'll find a way, science is the answer to everything."

'If I were you, I'd drop the scriptures and pick up an alchemy book. We're the closest things to gods there are.' Van wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"You guys aren't gods, nothing close to it." Rose said back, Van just smiled slightly.

"And neither is the sun, it's just a mass of hydrogen. Get close to it like Cornello claims, and all you'll do is burn up." Ed said.

Al was watching, "Great Ed and Van, just great." Al said to himself disappointedly.

"Don't worry Elric, your brother and sister will join you soon." said a voice behind Al, and then...he shot. Al's helmet was sent flying across the room to Ed an Van's feet.

The Elric Sister: Those Golden Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें