What Am I

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I had a awful week, because I had geography in 3 hours. The other problem was that there was not any meat , nothing to eat. Let us just say that I' m NOT a vegetarian. I was even late for school, I only had 5 minutes. But that wasn't a big problem, I should just run faster. I only have like twenty kilo meters to school, It usually only takes me 4 minutes. My friends think twenty kilo meters is long, but I dont think it takes that long. I also won the running competition last year, but I can't run it this year. My priorities are about school and to avoid Lucas. Lucas has been my best friend since day care, but in the summer break something happened. He said that he was In love with me, and had been since the time we met. I have been avoiding him since, because I don't think I feel the same way. I thought about telling him, but then It just would be awkward between us. I don't want that either. I also have a lot doctor visits, because I keep having this hunger. But it is probably just the teenage years, that is affecting me.

When I came home from school, I went to the cemetery, just to visit my mom and talk to her. Talk with her about my new experiences, how I have more hunger and run faster. My mom died last year, just before the running competition. However, I did it anyway, because that was what my mom wanted me to do. My friends thinks that I'm some kind of freak, or is supernatural. Supernatural, they must be the freaks. Or at least I thought so.

My mom's cemetery is out in the woods, totally hidden away for some reason. So I tried to take a shortcut longer in to the woods, and then I saw it. It was some kind of light, I felt like It was reaching out to me. When I walked into the light a feeling of power went into my body, I felt powerful. It felt like I could do anything, except the hunger after meat got stronger and stronger. My hearing was totally clear, no noises. I could hear everything around me, the way the leafs fall of the trees. The way the small drops of rain was on the way. I also smelled better, even my own smell. By the way, I should probably take a shower , when I got back. I felt amazing, and confused. Was I, no I could not be. Or maybe I was, but It would be impossible.

I couldn't be a werewolf.   

But on the other hand it would explain it, my perfect hearing. Perfect smell, and to run faster, then everybody else. So there were only one solution, I needed to have a talk with my popular brother Jonathan. The quarterback of Mannie beach high school, and boyfriend to leader of the cheerleading Squad.

I had to talk to him, the question was just would he talk to me.

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