Chapter 19

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The journey to the Finder's Office is taking longer than I expected, but finally the carriage comes to a halt in front of an old English cottage. It's quite rundown but I am betting it looks better on the inside. After getting out of the carriage, I tell the guards to stay put and that if I should need them, I will call.

There are small stepping stones leading up to the house. I knock on the front door of the house and it opens up all by itself. The house looks almost vacant. There are only a table, a chair, a fireplace, a stove, a rug and a small roll up bed in it.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I call out. The door shuts behind me. "Hello?" I call again.

No answer. That Shane sent me on a wild goose chase. I turn around, all ready to leave, when suddenly I hear the crackling of a fire.

"I almost thought you wouldn't come, My Queen," Shane says and laughs.

"What is the meaning of this, Shane? Where is the Finder?" I ask, my temper beginning to rise.

"You're looking at him." He smiles devilishly.

"Why did you not tell me earlier? It would have spared me so much time!"

"Now what would be the fun in that?" he smiles playfully. "You're upset, I understand. I had to see if you would actually do it, I had to know that you would sacrifice everything for someone you hardly know. I had a feeling, but now I am sure."

"We are done here," I say and turn to leave, but I can't.

"I thought you were looking for the Finder and now that you have, you leave without even asking him what you wanted?" he asks, clearly confused. But he is toying with me, this I know.

"How do I know that you are even who you say you are?" I ask.

"Simple. I am the Finder."

"That does not really prove anything."

"It doesn't? Well then, I am the new Finder. See, my father has been put out of business... permanently."

"You killed your own father?"

"Hah. He died; a deal gone horribly wrong. Amateur."

"Alright, what do you want?" I ask, knowing that there is obviously a reason why he showed himself to me in the first place.

"It doesn't matter what I want. I can only get what I want if you get what you want. So tell me, My Queen, what do you want from the Finder?"

"Stop playing games with me, Shane."

"I'm not playing games. I'm simply trying to make a deal, My Queen."

"Alright then, what is the thing that will heal Rebecca?" I finally ask.

"Hmm, what heals her?" he asks and goes about poking the fire in the fireplace. He hums a tune to himself. "Ah yes. A possession she had but was taken from her. A token of love but lost through war. A symbol of weakness expected to burn. A possession is what you are looking for."

"What are you saying, Shane? Stop your riddling and just give me a straight answer!"

"But that's not how this works, My Queen. You need to give me something in return."

The fire starts blazing out of control.

"Fine, just tell me." I give in.

He laughs all satisfyingly to himself. "It's the weakness of the howlers, My Queen."

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