Chapter 10

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The moon is shining brightly against the dark curtains in the room. I know that if I open them I will change. I lay on my bed inside the over spacious room and stare at the window beside it. I have changed only once, which was involuntarily. I did not see what I looked like when it happened. I was too occupied in affairs of the heart. It only now occurs to me that the only reason I changed into human form was because I was extremely thirsty. That means I truly CAN control the transformations if I want to. I just got to find out how. Curiosity blends itself into my heart and I stand up to open the curtains. I fix my eyes upon the moon. I don't feel different. I see everything the same. I hear everything the same. I sense everything the same.

I tread over to the mirror in the closet to see my reflection.

If I wasn't what I am, I wouldn't have believed what I see right now. In the mirror I see nothing. I have no reflection as a wolf. So I don't know if I really am a wolf right now. I look down and see that I have white paws. I assume I am a white wolf. I don't think there is any significance to being a white wolf.

I sit down and concentrate real hard on changing back to normal. Nothing happens. I give up for now and saunter back to my bed. I hear the door to the room open and turn my head to the side to see who enters.

"Holy shit!" the person shouts when she sees me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Y-you're a white wolf!" she proclaims in disbelief.


"Well. I have never seen a white wolf before. I wasn't even aware they existed," she clarifies and beams.

"Oh. So let me guess, they are rare?"

"You could say that but that's not it. As far as I know there's never been a white wolf, only wolves of varied colours. The imperial family is the only werewolves who are jet black as wolves," she says and puts down a plate of food on the floor. The moon's light catches her and she transforms. She is a brown wolf with black paws and has a white patch over her one eye.

She leaves the room and I march on over to the plate of food on the floor. My stomach growls and I decide to eat the food.

I exit the room and wander down the halls of the castle. I find a door I don't think I recognize and push it open. The room looks almost just like mine; except it has a balcony and the curtains aren't as dark and heavy as the ones in my room. A bed is in the centre of the room and on it lays a body that seems familiar.

I move closer to the bed to investigate. Jessica is lying peacefully curled up beneath the blankets. Her hair covers her face in a tangled mess. I wish I could be so at peace.

The open curtains of the room let only a diminutive amount of moonlight stream into the room. The light rests upon her head. Man, how come she had to get the room with the balcony?

Jealousy, the root of all evil, they say. I find it hard to believe.

I exit the room.

I wander down the hall again. I am searching for something; I'm not sure what yet. I halt when I come to the creaky old door. I pull on its handle and enter the room. I hear voices approaching the door behind me and crawl into a dark corner. Hopefully I won't be spotted.

I see the man and woman; I saw the first time, walk into the room. They stop, sensing a presence.

"I have the strangest feeling that we are being watched."

"Then it would be wise for us to leave immediately," says the man as he puts his hand on the other door. The area around his hand glows brightly and then he removes his hand. The door opens and they exit.

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