Chapter 3

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I had a dream last night. But I'm surprised I even slept at all. So much so that it caused me to be late for school. Should I skip school for the day? I can, but I won't. I'm just late. There's no harm in being late for the first time in 12 months.

I head to the kitchen after getting dressed. I open the fridge and see the clear plastic bags all neatly stacked in the racks. I take one. For once, I'm hungry, or rather thirsty. But that's not true, I always am. I just try to deny it. Sure, I hurt myself that way, but I really didn't care and in some twisted way I still don't. I cut open the bag and pour its dark contents into my mug. I swallow hard. The coldness of the drink gives me shivers down my spine. My mother must've taken an old batch. I look at the clock on the wall. Ten past ten. I stand up, put the mug in the dishwasher and pick up my bag and drive to school.

At school I go to the principal's office. That's a rule. If you're late you've got to get a note from the principal saying she knows you're late.

The secretary is sitting at her desk chewing gum and filing her nails. I stand in front of her desk. She looks up at me and gives me a form and an annoyed look. Then she motions for me to go in the principal's office. I go in and see Miss Applěgan looking out the window.

"Morning Miss," I say politely.

"Hello Miss Alliston. You're late aren't you?" she asks and takes the form out of my hands. She signs it and gives it back to me. I turn around to walk out the room.

"Oh, wait." I turn around to face her again, "would you be a dear and take this to Mr Burling for me. I've wanted to give it to him but I'm so busy."

She hands me a white box with a generous enough smile.

I walk to Mr Burling's class and knock on the big green door. I hear no answer from inside, but I enter anyway. Mr Burling is laying on one of the tables staring at the blank ceiling. The room smells of drugs and beer. Not again. Mr Burling has a reputation in the school for being the teacher who uses drugs, drinks beer at school and always having hangovers.

I put the box on the table next to him and leave the room. Then the bell rings and people start pouring out of the classes. I see Edward among them and stop him to ask what period it is.

"You showed up, finally. It's lunch now. Walk with me," He orders and pulls me by arm before I can say anything.

We stop at the cafeteria and walk to our table. Leighton isn't there. I sigh and flop down on my chair between Kate and Jess.

"O my word! You're here! Where the hell have you been, Becca?" Ashley asks.

"Sleeping," I say and take out my own thermos from my bag. I'm not hungry nor am I thirsty, but better safe than sorry. "Where's Leighton?" I ask and look around the cafeteria.

"He's probably on the football field," Kate says and finishes her lunch.

"Becca, you've got a little something..." Justin says and puts his finger in the corner of his mouth. I put my finger in the corner of my mouth and sure as hell a red drop is on my finger. I quickly put it in my mouth hoping no one else saw it but Justin.

"I'm throwing a party at my house this Friday. You should all like, come," Lucas states and throws a chip in his mouth.

"Did somebody die?" Edward asks and Lucas punches him on the arm. Edward threatens to hit him in the face.

"Everyone's going to be there!" one of the sophomore girls exclaims when she passes our table.

"Beat it kid," Edward says and gives the girl his infamous death stare.

"I guess I can come," I say taking another swig of my drink.

"Oh you'd better come, girl. Leighton's going to be there and he would hate not having you there on his birthday," Jessica says.

"Oh shit! I completely forgot," I say, "listen I'm gonna go look for Leighton. I need to talk to him 'bout something." I stand up from the table and run to the football field. He's not there. I walk into the boy's locker room and find him there, sitting on the bench in front of his locker. He has a shiner and cuts all over his face. I see a huge bump on his head as well. "Holy crap," I say and kneel before him. "What happened, Leighton?" I yell and take his face in my hands.

He turns his head, "I fell." I slap his cheek. I know he's lying.

"Ouch!" he says and looks in my eyes.

"Tell me Leighton."

"Fine, I played football against a group of seniors as a bet and I got beat up. Are you happy?"

How the hell can he ask me that?"Of course I'm not!" I yell," how could you be so stupid? I wish you'd drop the tough guy act and think before you do things for once!" I know yelling at him won't help, but I'm angry with those bastards. I'm going to kill them.

"Becca, they said you're a slut. That you only date a guy for two months then leave the guy for new blood. That you are a player and you don't care about anyone but yourself," he tells me and I clench my fists hard not to slam them into his locker. I sit next to him.

"And I hit one of them for saying all those things, because I know they're not true. But I've thought about it, and the more I think about it the more it makes sense," he says.

Okay now I'm really mad. I feel the anger pushing up my throat and the pain of my jaw when I clench my teeth together. My skin is burning hot and I feel like I might explode.

"Look at me, Leighton." He doesn't listen, "I said look at me!" I order and he reluctantly turns his head to look at me.

"Tell me you don't believe it!" I say and bite hard on my lip.

"I don't know what to believe, Becca."

I close my eyes, look down then look in his eyes again. I see his eyes go wide.

"What!" I hiss and try to relax my fists, but I can't. I'm stuck in angry mode.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" He says and I see worry and a slight hint of fear in his eyes.

"Tell me..." I say and cock my head to the side in a taunting manner.

"Well, they're red," he says. I laugh evilly.

"Of course they are. That's what happens when I'm madly angry.

He looks scared; like he sees a part of me he didn't know about. I show him. I feel my teeth extend. I move my face closer to his and kiss him on the lips for a few seconds. I move my kiss down his jaw to his neck. Then I feel my teeth break his tense, soft skin. He winces and I push him down on the bench slowly until I lay on top of him. Only then do I let his blood run down my throat.

At first he tries to push me off him, but he doesn't succeed. He barely even moves. I decide I'm done with him. I pull him to a sitting position then stare deep in his eyes.

"You're right. I do only care about myself, I do only date a guy for a month, I am a player and we're over. Forget who I am and what I just did. Forget what I am and don't try to remember," I say and leave.

When I get back to the school buildings, I realize the bell has rung already and I run to my next class.

I must admit, I never had feelings for Leighton. I did just use him. But I don't care. He won't remember anything about ever being in a "relationship" with me. It's a neat trick my mother taught me. I can make my victims forget certain things after I've used them to fill my needs.

There's no denying the fact that I'm evil and selfish.

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