Chapter 008

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"This?" She held up a light yellow summer dress with white floral designs. "This?" She asked holding a white skirt in front of her with a light pink ruffle top. "Or this?" She asked holding up another dress except this one was a strapless blue one with a bow around the waist.

She peered over at me impatiently waiting for an answer. This was Peyton's idea of fun, picking out her outfits for the whole week.

I was lying down on my stomach on her bed eating the rest of the popcorn that was left over from the movie we just watched.

"What day is this for again?" I ask uninterested. This had toof been the 4th day already. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Thursday" She said impatiently while showing the clothes another time. I'm bad with fashion; normally I wear just a band tee with skinny jeans. With her it's like she's getting ready for a beauty pageant wherever she goes.

"Um... the first one?" I said more as a question while popping another piece of popcorn in my mouth. She nodded in relief while tossing the others aside.

"Okay which shoes?" She asked. She had white flats, black 2 inch heels, and gladiator sandals.

I groaned and flipped over so I was lying on my back. She doesn't get that I'm not the girly type what so ever. Her and Chloe would be really good friends.

There was a light knock on her door making both of us jump. Maybe watching a scary movie wasn't a good idea after all.

"Come in!" Peyton yelled. Her mother appeared in the doorway with a bright smile on her lips. Her mother was really nice and very young looking for her age.

She has blonde hair like Peyton's and light brown eyes. "Kayleigh there's someone at the door for you" She replied.

Did she just say someone was here for me? My mother would never come and actually get me so I know it wasn't her. Speaking of mom, shes been acting really strange lately. Like she doesn't care about me and Ray at all.

Who would come to Peyton's house to see me at 9 o'clock at night...on a Sunday? What if it's the guy with the chainsaw and mask? He's going to kill me. Yeah, shouldn't have watched that movie.

"Ok" I said hesitantly. I slowly lifted myself off the bed unsure if I should go out there. Of course you should.

I took a deep breath and followed her mother out the door. Her mother went back to her room leaving me there all alone, with a stranger at the door.

I gulped and reached my hand out to the door handle. I held my breath as I slowly opened the door.

To my surprise there was no one at the door. I released my breath and looked around nervously. I glanced over to the trees, the cars, and the bushed but there was nothing. No one.

I was about to close to door but something caught my eye.

There lying on the welcome mat was an envelope with my "name" written on the front.

I looked around the house once again to find nothing. I slowly bent down and picked up the envelope.

I ripped the sealed part open and pulled out the letter inside.

I just store at it, I store at what it said. What I had dreaded to ever come. I froze; my whole body just froze at the words. My head was pounding and my ears went silent. 

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