A Gift for Me

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"So how was your hunting trip?" Esme asked me with a polite, motherly smile.

"Fine" I said quietly. I had to get use to the Cullen's and over the shyness. So I decided to start getting use to Esme.

"Do you think I'm stronger than Emmett?" I asked Esme in a whisper. We both laughed quietly.

"It's possible. Bella was when she was a new born" Esme told me.

"But I'm only fifteen. Would that make a difference?" I asked.

"Maybe. But I think you should try sometime" she said with another smile.

"Maybe I will. Oh and I was meaning to ask you, is Edward different...in some way?" I asked. Even that first night I could tell he was different.

"So you noticed him too? Well, he's gifted. Along with the vampire qualities he has another. He can read people's thoughts" she told me. Surprise, surprise, another strange thing in the world.

"Is there any others like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, Alice, Jasper, Bella, and Renesmee"

"What can Alice do?"

"See the future, depending on people's decisions"

"And what about Jasper?"

"He can control emotions. They are more complicated then they sound but this is the easiest ways to explain"

"Okay, and Bella?"

"She is a shield- as we call her. Edward can't read her mind unless she lets him. And she can extend it to protect other people as well"

"What about Renesmee?"

"She can let you see her mind by touching you. When she was younger it was her way of communicating"

"Is it possible that I could be gifted?"

"It isn't impossible"

"Is there anyway to find out?"

"It will probably just come at some time. You'll end up using it without really trying"

"Interesting. So how should I see if I'm strong then Emmett then?"

Esme giggled again. "Bella found out over an arm wrestle"

I giggled along with her. "Should I challenge him?"

"As long as you promise not to get yourself hurt"

"I won't" I said standing. "Your going to come watch right?"

"Of course, I couldn't miss it" she said and stood too.

I found Emmett outside- he still hasn't come in from hunting- with every body but Seth, Esme, Jacob, Renesmee, and I. Seth was still sleeping.

"Emmett" I said just loud enough for him to hear. He turned to look at me with a smirk on his face. "Want to have a rematch arm wrestle, with me?" I asked with a returning smirk.

"You? Please, I don't care if your a newborn. You were just a weak little human less then a week ago. And you were only fifteen anyway. I bet you didn't even have a boyfriend" Whoa...excuse me? Things just got serious. Where did this cocky attitude come from? I glared into Emmett's eyes, even though he wasn't looking at me. Suddenly, his smirking face turned into horror, then pain. He was grabbing his head with both hands as he fell onto his knees on the ground.

"As a matter of fact, I did have a boyfriend. And I was not weak, I was a fighter!" I growled out. Yes, I was a fighter, when I was human and now even more so as a vampire.

Everyone around me was in shock. Especially Rosalie. She looked like she wanted to do something so bad to help her mate. Like she wanted to kill me. But there was also something else. Sympathy, like she knew what Emmett said was wrong. Emmett was gasping for relief and when I finally looked away from his pained eyes, he sighed. I could tell he wasn't hurting anymore. Trust me, I have no idea what I just did. If I did, I wouldn't have done it.

Edward and Alice said something to each other before Edward turned to Carlisle and said something even I couldn't hear.

I however felt like crying. I just hurt Emmett. Big, huge, Emmett...what just happened?

Carlisle nodded once to Edward before he walked to me. I stepped back. I didn't want to hurt anybody else.

"It's okay, you didn't know what you were doing" did he really just say it was okay?

"No, it's not okay. I just hurt Emmett. I...what did I do?" I asked, looking up at Carlisle.

He chuckled lightly and told me, "Your gifted. You didn't know how to use your gift and since Emmett mad you angry, you used it on him"

"Well because she caused him pain, wouldn't that just be like Jane's gift" Bella asked. I almost knew what she was talking about, kind of being told about Jane.

"No it wasn't like that-" Emmett said shaking his head. I was being extremely cautious not to make eye contact. "-for Jane, it's unexplainable and all over your body. For her it was like a huge migraine, just in my head. It was different"

At that moment, my mind went off of hurting Emmett and now I was focusing on hearing something.

Inside, Seth had just woke up and was with Renesmee and Jacob.

"Really, I'm fine" Renesmee said to Jacob. She was fine...she was hurt...she was bleeding. I could smell it. Edward was looking at me, reading my mind.

'I won't hurt her' I thought for Edward's purposes.

'I promise. If you still want to go inside then you can make sure' I thought. He nodded once and ran inside fast. I followed slowly, I wasn't going to hurt her, I was going to help her.

Once inside the house and standing in the doorway of the room Renesmee was in, I stopped.

I was surprised none of the other Cullen's came after me yet. But soon Alice was by my side as I was entering the room, just Alice. She smiled at me and that was it. I watched the scene before me- Seth sitting on a love seat, Edward standing, and Jacob and Renesmee on the couch. Renesmee had a big scratch in her arm. Yes it was bleeding, yes my throat was burning, no I wasn't going to hurt her. When Seth saw me, he looked at Renesmee again, then me. He stood up and came on the other side of me.

"You okay?" He asked cautiously.

"I just want to try something" I said quietly. That made Edward growl and Seth jump between us.

"Stop! I'm not going to hurt anyone!" I said urgently. Edward didn't calm down anymore.

"Edward, she isn't going to, I promise" Alice spoke up. Oh yeah, she could see the future, she knew.

I took another step to Renesmee then kneeled down because she was siting on the couch. I looked at her arm. This made my throat burn like hell but I needed to try this.

I put my hand out and held it over the wound. I didn't dare touch it but I sat there for a few seconds.

I held in my gasp as I watched what happened. I healed Renesmee's wound. The blood was gone and now the scratch was barley a scar.

It was another part of my gift. I could give pain and I could take it away. What a fun little gift.

"How does it feel?" Jacob asked her.

"Fine, better. It doesn't even hurt anymore" she said smiling at me.

I guess there was a way that I could really come to love my new life, and my new gift.


Really sorry if this is a bad chapter. I'm super tired right now but really wanted to finish it.

An I just wanted to say, sorry for previous parts being extremely short, I just noticed how small some of them are. I'll work on making them a little longer.

Love Always! <3

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