Eaves Dropping

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Seth and I walked back into the Cullen house and only Renesmee, Jacob, and Leah were still in the living room. I could hear that everyone else was in the kitchen. I sat down on one of the couches and Seth sat next to me.
Everyone in the kitchen was discussing something serious. I tried not to listen but I heard my name.
"Well we can't just have Olivia go off on her own" Alice said.
"And Seth wouldn't let her leave" Edward added.
"What if the Volturi come for us because they think we've added a new member. We can't risk the danger" Rosalie said.
"But Olivia is still a newborn. We have to train her" Esme defended me.
"We don't want her hurting any humans" Carlisle agreed.
"But then what happens after she's trained?" Bella wondered.
"I really wish she could stay with us, I would feel so bad making her go on her own, especially because she is so young" Esme said and sighed.
"Me too, you know how much I would love to dress up a young teenager like her" Alice chimed in.
"Maybe we could build her a cabin a couple miles away. She can still visit as much as she wants or needs. She can just be like a neighbor, not part of our coven" Emmett said.
"That actually isn't too bad of an idea" Carlisle said.
"So is that what we're going to do then?" Rosalie asked.
"I guess" Esme said.
"Can I still stock her closet?'' Alice asked eagerly.
"Sure" Esme said with a musical laugh
So I was going to be a lone vampire- with neighbors.
"Olivia?" Seth asked next to me. I guess I zoned out. I blinked twice and looked over at him.
"You okay?" He asked.
I nodded then looked down. I don't know if I wanted to be a lone vampire.

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