A Couple New Names

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So I had one wolf down. Who knew how many others to go. I might not be meeting all of them today. I knew that I was getting to meet Sue, Seth's mom.

We were going to Emily's house though- Sam's wife and imprintee, as the wolves liked to call them. Sam said that Sue was there about an hour ago and planning on staying for a while longer. Sam led the way with Jacob and Renesmee next to him. Seth and I behind them. I made sure to stay either right next to him or behind him.

"There might be a few extra guys in there, so just be prepared. They may have mixed feelings" Sam warned.

Seth nodded and grabbed my hand. I looked down at our hands and smiled.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

The five of us walked into Emily and Sam's house. Was I scared? Kinda. I felt kind of confident in myself, if I needed to fight off a wolf for some reason, I felt like I could.

When we walked in, I saw five people. Two woman, three guys. Both the girls had long black hair. They had darker skin like the guys did. One of the girls had four scars, going down the side of her face. I knew it wasn't polite to stare so I looked at the guys.

All black hair, russet skin, nothing I haven't seen before.

One of the girls- the one without the scars on her face- stood and walked over to Seth. She hugged him, forcing him to let go of my hand. He pulled away after a couple seconds and smiled at her. He put his hand on my arm and slightly pushed me behind him so he was blocking me from the other people.

"Hi Seth" she said with a smile.

"Hey mom" he said back. So that was Sue. It was obvious that she saw me but she didn't ask.

"Don't hide her Seth, who's the girl?" One of the guys asked.

"Shut up Embry" Seth said instantly.

Two of five names.

"Well who is she?" Embry asked.

"This is Olivia" Seth said and pulled me in front of him. He kept his hand on my arm in case he would have to move me around again.

I looked up at the guys with my big, red eyes.

"A vampire?" One of the guys asked.

I nodded.

"Is she a newborn or does she drink human blood?" Embry asked.

"Newborn" Seth said.

"Is she a new part of the Cullen's?" The other girl asked.

"Yes" I said. As of right now it was true.

"Why is she with you guys?" Embry asked. It's been the same questions as Sam asked.

I looked up at Seth and he nodded once, saying I could tell them.

"He imprinted on me" I said. I said it slow like I did for Sam but not as slow.

Seth's grip tightened a little on my arm as we waited for responses. Of course, it was nothing that would hurt me.

"So now it's just me who hasn't?" Embry asked.

"Collin hasn't yet" another one of the guys said.

Seth relaxed behind me, seeing that no one had too much of a problem.

I smiled up at him and he looked down at me too. This was going to work.

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