Going for the Grizzlies

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Today- my third day of being a vampire- I had to hunt again, this only being my second time.

I was going with Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper. I don't know why but I felt comfortable around Alice so it was going to be weird not going with her. I guess I was okay with Jasper but, Emmett and Rosalie, not so sure. Emmett was just...big and somewhat scary compared to my small fifteen year old self. And Rosalie... I don't know, I just had a feeling we weren't going to bond so quickly.

"So-" Emmett said, slowing his walk so that he was next to me. Yes we were walking right now, we were going to start running in a couple minutes. "-the best thing to do is find the big animals and get them aggravated. What I would do, find a grizzly, tease it a little, and boom! Dinner and a show"

I couldn't help but laugh, how could you not laugh at that.

"Yes! I've cracked a smile" he said as if it were an achievement. I guess it was to him.

I would give him that much, a smile. I still hadn't really said anything directly to him.

The four of us finally decided to start running. And after a couple minutes of that, I started smelling animal blood. Yum! I know, weird. Definitely not something a human would say at least. Lucky for Emmett, three grizzly bears and four deer. Jasper just hunted two days ago so I figured that Rosalie, Emmett, and I would get the bears. And so, once we all caught sent of the animals, we let our instincts take over. Sure enough, Jasper went after the deer first. Rosalie and Emmett went after two of the three bears. I followed them, being sure not to get in anybody's way. I looked at Emmett for a quick second and sure enough, he was teasing it. I had the urge to tease the bear I was now going after, but not the patience. Maybe when I wasn't a newborn I would try. When I caught the bear with ease, I but into it tasting the warm blood. I'd rather not get into all the blood and gore details.

After all four of us were done, we went for more animals that I could smell near by.

"You didn't tease him!" Emmett yelled as we were running.

"I was too thirsty! My throat burns!" I yelled back.

Emmett look bewildered considering I hadn't really even whispered in front of him. But now I was yelling and he smiled.

When we got to the new blood, we all stopped dead in our tracks. There was options. Four deer, a bear, and a mountain lion. The bear was actually trying to fight the deer and the mountain lion was sneaking up on both the other animals. The mountain lion actually didn't smell bad. Animal blood wasn't the best. I hated the smell of deer almost as much as the smell of wolves. Bears weren't as bad but really, the mountain lion smelt good.

We all looked at each other. Jasper was standing off to the side, clearly not needing any more blood.

"I call the bear" Emmett said with a growl in his tone.

I looked at Rosalie. I needed blood, my throat was burning, I wanted the mountain lion though.

"Rosalie, let Olivia have it, she needs it more" Jasper said. It was true, Rosalie's eyes weren't even black to start with and they were now a nice gold. Mine were still red, as if resembling the fire that felt like was in my throat.

Rosalie only nodded once. Then only Emmett, Rosalie, and I started running towards the animals- Jasper staying back. And once I got to the mountain lion, won the fight, and started drinking the blood, I felt so much better.

After a successful hunt, I was happy to return to the Cullen's.


I guess this is somewhat of a fill in chapter. I know it kinda sucks but I've sorta got writers block right now.

Thanks to those who are reading!

If you have any suggestions on how to make the story better, anything I can change, just please feel free to comment!

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