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"Why do this to your family?"

"Do what?"

"You know what, Samuel! Chasing after that other bitch you saw at the restaurant you took ME too. I just sat there, not saying anything. You know why? It's because I though I could trust my husband! I guess I was wrong." She started to walk away but her wrist got grabbed and her back was pushed to the wall.

"You know what? I'm done! I'm sick and tired of your parents thinking I'm not good enough for you. I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for not taking care of OUR children! I try Prestige. More than you ever fucking imagine. But you're too blind to see what I'm doing for you and our kids. Don't plan to see me for a long time and YES
, I got Chardonnay pregnant!" With that, he slammed the front door. Crying mother on the floor. Me watching on the stairs.

My eyes opened. I sat up and tears started uncontrollably.

"Come home, Daddy. Please come home." I whispered as I held my Bible tightly against my chest. This is all a 8 year old would ask for. Her dad.

{~7 years later~}

*beep beep, beep beep!* I hit my alarm and looked at my calendar on the ceiling as I opened my eyes. Monday 4th September. Great. The time has come. My month of work experience. I pulled the covers off me and sat up slipping my feet in my Stompies. Yes, I'm 15 and I still wears Stompies. I don't care.

I got one of my towels from my towel drawer and got my clothes and dragged myself to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes. I got in the shower and let the water cover my body with warmth. A few minutes later, I got out of the bath and went back into my bedroom. I did what I needed to do and put my clothes on. In my opinion, I think my outfit was suitable.

I put on a white shirt with a jumper on top with loose trousers and my black Fluxes trainers.

I tied my lace and went to my mirror (which was quite big) and started to fix my hair. I just did a low ponytail that wouldn't be in the way.

I grabbed my iPhone SE from my counter and jogged downstairs to grab some breakfast.

"Gooood morning Mama. How you doing?" I said as I walked up to her giving her a kiss on the forehead. I'm taller than my mum so it's possible.

"I'm fine, Si thank you. Do me a favour and wake up the twins for me please?"
She asked me whilst pouring milk in their cereal.

"Yeah sure why not?" I jogged back upstairs to the room next to mine. The twins. I opened the quietly and went inside the messiest room in the house. It smells like a dumpster in here. I walked to the bunk bed and started waking up the boys.

"Aye Christopher, Christian get up. Mum wants you downstairs. Get up out your bed before I get cold water in jug and pour it on the both of you-" No reply. "-Maybe I should put ice in the jug today." I said to myself whilst walking out and when I said that, they jumped up and started following up behind me. I smirked and went back down to the kitchen to grab an apple due to the time.

I quickly picked up a red apple and said my goodbyes to my mom and brothers. I left and stood silently on the front door steps. I took a deep breath and walked to the bus stop.


"Good Morning six formers. This month will be your month of work experience where we will test your working skills with others you know and others that are new to you. You will be split into groups to work at different school. We are in association with the Towns End School which means there will be a few of their students in your group. Be very respectful and polite and show others the reputation of Vauxhall Park School." The headteacher, Miss Valeeis spoke.

After half an hour, I was put in my group and we was told the names of who was going to be in our group form Towns End. I was excited but at the same time, nervous. I'm a girl different from everyone else. Well not exactly how you think. I'm different like, I don't do what everyone else does and I'm my own person. Don't get me wrong. I do the things everyone else does, I just don't brag about it. I have friends. Most of six form know me and we're a big group so I guess you can say I'm popular however, I don't see it.

I hope Work Experience goes well for me. I hope.

Ayeeee hey my readers‼️
This book was random and also inspired of what I've read. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you enjoy the rest of this!
Peace Out Kuntakentes! ✌🏾️

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