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"will you move to korea with me?"

that sentence stuck in minnies mind for months and months, repeating the tragic tone of namjoons voice, the look of hope on his face as he realized he made a mistake.

after that, namjoon and minnie hadn't spoken for the rest of the day and namjoon left for his flight with his friends without a simple goodbye. it's been 5 months since minnie had last spoken to him, hoping it was for the best.

she knew it wasn't. she missed him more than any words could describe, but it wasn't the right time. minnie needed some time alone, to live a life of her own without the worry of anyone. life alone wasn't ideal, but it's the best she was going to get in her situation at the moment. everyone in seattle was either was too petty to speak to her, or too odd to start a conversation.

there hasn't been a day gone by when minnie hadn't thought of namjoon. she knew she was in love with him. it was a constant worry she wouldn't find someone like him, that she would forever be alone in her tight-spaced apartment with not even a single fish to communicate with. interrupted from her thoughts, a knock on the door alerted her as her head popped up and she darted towards the door, having little hope it was him.

"coming!" minnie scurried over to the door, flinging it open to reveal an orange haired boy in a FedEx uniform. she let out a sigh and took the package from him, leaving his mouth open and his finger held out before she shut the door on him. 

"i need your signature," the boy stated, holding out the electronic pad with a look of confusion. blushing in embarrassment, minnie signed the pad and gave the boy a small bow, turning back around and returning to her couch.

minnie looked at the return address, wondering who would even be sending her a package in the first place.

seoul, south korea.  구 두 세 노스 웨스트 백작 거리  (i literally made up a random address on google translate RIP me)

minnie's heart skipped a beat as she tore open the package and examined all of the items in the box. inside was a light stick, dozens of t shirts with korean she couldn't decipher, a poster, an envelope filled with different paper polaroids, and a letter. she knew this was from namjoon, but didn't know what any of this was. 

she unwrapped the poster, revealing an image of namjoon and six other boys on a crosswalk. as she looked closer, there arrows pointing to each boy, saying a name.

suga, min yoongi, grandpa.

j-hope, jung hoseok, horse.

jungkook, jeon jeongguk, baby.

jimin, park jimin, hottie.

jin, kim seokjin, mommy.

v, kim taehyung, alien.

rap monster, kim namjoon, yours.

her breath hitched as she read the last word, gasping as she covered her hand with her mouth. minnie looked farther into the box, at the light sticks, cheesy shirts, photo cards, and eventually turned to the letter. hands shaking, minnie carefully peeled the adhesive off of the envelope and read out loud to herself, in a voice so quiet it disappeared into thin air. 

dear minnie,

so, it's been a while huh? well, for the past couple years i've admittedly been a part of a group, a kpop group. we are under bighit entertainment, and just recently announced our debut. remember hoseok from the record shop? turns out he was a trainee too! he just joined the group so he has a lot to learn, but he's adjusted nicely with taehyung. i wouldn't be surprised if he replaced jungkook quite frankly. all those items in the package are unreleased merchandise ideas, but i know that since being the leader i can basically do whatever i want. i know what you're thinking, LEADER!?!?!? although i may be a little klutz, i believe i make a perfect leader. i absolutely love all of my members, and couldn't be more happier. 

we have a youtube channel, if you want to check it out; BANGTAN TV. just don't get jealous of all the hotties swooning over me ;-) just kidding! i've changed a lot since we last talked. have you noticed the enthusiasm in the way i write? i am in such a healthy place right now, i can't help but smile! i just puked inside of my mouth. anyways, please text me. we have a lot of catching up to do, and jin and jimin really want to meet you! after all those months, and weeks of not talking, i admit it's been tough. really tough. frankly, i don't know how i can still stay this happy. but it's all because of my members.

i visited my parents recently. i told them everything about us, and they really want to meet you too. at first they didn't exactly support my decisions of becoming a rapper, but now they're my #1 fans! i'm feeling like my life is slowly falling into place, and i can finally not care about anything but being carefree and healthy.

i hope you enjoy all of the goodies i smuggled. i love you so much minnie.



by the end of the letter, minnie's tears couldn't help but fall.

he was happy. 

that's all that mattered.


and that concludes through the screen.

writing this book has been such an amazing experience. i've met so many people and discovered so many techniques, and it's been doing so well.

20k reads?? that's crazY! this is was even my first fan fiction about kpop! 


this story has been an emotional ride for us all i think, even me

i just want to dedicate this story to my two best friends, butterflyjimin and spoopytae, who have been my #1 fans since before this was even published. thank you.

and thank you to everyone who has been on this crazy journey with me from beginning to end. i will never forget you.

with that cheesiness said, i can finally say,


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