
9K 411 430

pinkboii: omg it's brekkie time!

minni94: what is brekkie

pinkboii: it's slang 4 breakfast, you aren't cool so u wouldn't know.

pinkboii: minnie i'm so sad

minni94: why my friend

pinkboii: i lEAVE TOmorrOW


pinkboii: ,,,,, omg ok damn!

minni94: :)

pinkboii: :(

minni94: lol ok come on


"hello!" namjoon chirped, smacking minnie's butt as he walked into the kitchen, seating himself at the table next to jungkook who was on his phone. minnie huffed as she flipped a pancake.

"HELLO, ASS NUGGETS." yoongi hollered, presumably waking up everyone in her apartment complex.

"why are you in such a good mood?" minnie laughed slightly at his entrance.

"because," yoongi smiled, "i get to go home tomorrow!"

"that sure makes me feel amazing," minnie rolled her eyes.

"no offense, babe, but i get to see jimin tomorrow!" just by his expression, minnie could tell he loved this jimin, whoever he was. or she. she wasn't quite sure, the way they described them. just as she was about to ask, namjoon interrupted.

"BABE?" he cocked his head to the side, smiling passive-aggressively.

"sorry, didn't mean to hurt your girlfriend's feelings. sorry, baby." yoongi laughed at himself, pleased with his comeback.

"SHE'S NOT MY-WHATEVER YOONGI. at least she appreciates my company." namjoon slouched back into his chair and pouted, crossing his arms and puckering out his bottom lip.

"she's not your girlfriend? i swear i heard her refer to you as her boyfriend over the phone to someone, nancy. or something." yoongi blurted, obviously not knowing the damage he was about to cause.

"wait, what?" namjoon directed his attention back towards minnie.

"w-what? yoongi, what are you talking about?" minnie stuttered, clearly embarrassed.

"minnie?" namjoon raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. yoongi and jungkook almost as if on queue left the room, leaving the remaining two to interact.

"i-okay whatever. namjoon, are we . . . you know . . . together?" minnie almost whispered.

"ive never really took that into consideration." he honestly replied, earning a sigh from minnie.

"is it just a game? am i wasting my time?"

"does it feel like you're wasting your time?"

"what?" minnie spat, confusion boiling her mind. namjoon walked over to her, his head hovering over hers. his hair fell into his face, dangling off his forehead.

"after everything we've done together, do you truly think that we're wasting our time?" his hand pressed against the wall next to minnies shoulder, preventing him from falling.

"you tell me. am i even what you want?" she said, her tone showing a lack of confidence which worried namjoon.

"are you what i want," namjoon hastily laughed, "are you what i want? minnie, i traveled across the world just to get a glimpse of you in real life. if you weren't what i wanted, would i have done that?"

"i'm sorry-i just don't know what's going on with me right now. just forget it." minnie said, diverting her eyes to the ground.

"minnie," namjoon sighed, reaching our for her hands. her eyes softly looked back into his, a glimmer from the light shining in her iris. "i want to be in a relationship. i love you more than you could ever imagine, but we can't. i live in south korea. i don't want to do it like this. it isn't fair to you or me. please, tell me you understand." 

"i understand . . ." minnie trailed off, disappointment laced in her voice. of course minnie knew that namjoon lived in south korea, and that they wouldn't see each other for a long time, but it still hurt that they wouldn't be able to have a relationship together.

"well, it's my last day, do you want to go out and do something?" namjoon suggested. minnie appreciated this gesture and couldn't wait to finally explore her home city with him. she nodded and quickly headed to her room, grabbing a jacket, her phone, and her car keys as she snatched namjoons hand and warned everyone they would be leaving. as soon as they stepped out of the apartment, minnie felt a cold burst of wind in her face, turning her cheeks bright red.

"wait," namjoon held a finger, whipping out his phone camera. "look at the ground, wait-hold it!" he clicked the camera button, showing minnie the candid.

"you're really good at photography, namjoon." minnie encouraged, gawking over the photo of herself. 

"t-thank you..." he blushed, smiling shyly and looking back towards the bustling street, settling his eyes on a record shop nearby. namjoon pointed at the store, earning a nod from minnie as they ran across the street with linked arms.

the warm rush of air settled the two as they slipped off their jackets, plopping them on a coat rack nearby.

"hello!" a calming voice chirped. minnie turned towards the noise and saw a boy with short brown hair parted in the middle, and a defined nose. 

"hi, do you have any marina and the diamonds vinyls?" namjoon suggested, earning an ear-to-ear grin from minnie.

"yes, of course!" the boy pointed to a section in the back of the shop titled M-Z. they nodded and headed to the back, sorting through the vinyls. after 10 minutes of searching, the pair eventually found the FROOT album and strolled to the counter. the boy, hoseok, as it said on his tag, scanned the album as namjoon fished out his wallet.

"no! let me buy it." minnie insisted.

"you don't have to-" minnie interrupted him with her finger, continuing her theory.

"my treat. this is my gift to you. now shut up." hoseok laughed at this statement and handed back the record in a small paper bag. namjoon and minnie smiled lightly and passed through the doors, exposed to the cold once again. they strolled down the street, not saying a word as their hands swung in perfect unison. 

"hey minnie?" namjoon nervously asked, breaking the silence.


"will you move to korea with me?"

through the screen - kim namjoonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें