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this photo gets me going

"alright!" minnie huffed as she dropped the suitcase to her wooden apartment floor. "i hope you brought nice clothes."

"yea! i did! ill change right now." namjoon smiles brightly, taking a navy suitcase into the bathroom with him.


"so, what do you think?" namjoon says, giving a twirl.

"you look like the grim reaper. you're meeting my family and you bring a CLOAK??" minnie tugs at her hair in frustration.

"it's the only nice clothes i brought. im sorry minnie." namjoon plops next to minnie and hunches, upset that he stressed out minnie even more the she already was.

"no, it's fine. let's just go." Minnie replied, giving up on trying to make everything perfect.


minnie huffs nervously as she raps the bright blue door she remembers from childhood.

"hey, it'll be fine."

she looked up to see namjoon staring back down at her with a smile, giving reassurance.

"minnie!" Minnie's mother opens the door, greeting her and namjoon inside.

"so, who are you? minnie didn't tell me she had a boyfriend."

"mother.." minnie groaned, face turning beet red.

"im namjoon." he smiled.

"hi, im nancy. Minnie's mother. but of course you probably guessed." Nancy replied. namjoon just nodded with a grin.

"anyways," nancy continued. "is this your boyfriend?"

"MOM!" minnie blushed even harder.

"yes, i am. i just flew in from korea yesterday." namjoon said hurriedly, peeking at Minnie out the corner of his eye.

minnies face got hotter by the second.

"that's so sweet! how did you meet?" Nancy asked.

"how we met? uhm yes, of course.." namjoon trailed off, trying to think of a good story.

"dinners ready!" a voice hollered from the kitchen.

"saved by the bell." Nancy winked at minnie and namjoon, sauntering into the kitchen to grab her food.


im so sorry for not updating in almost a month. i truly have been busy cramming for tests and stuff because the week before winter break is really busy for me. i can't promise daily updates but i can promise at least weekly updates. this was a filler so im sorry it was so short, im trying not to rush this story. thank you so much for reading my story and have a gr888888 day my children ily <33

through the screen - kim namjoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz