The Park?

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"Yeah, you should really come with me Dashie!" Soarin said excitingly. "I guess I'll go to the park with you Soarin." Rainbow said. The two walked outside and then walked to the park. The park was near by, and it was a very beautiful park, this season was the most special. Soarin and Rainbow are on spring break, so it's Tuesday. Rainbow didn't go to the park as often as she should. Soarin was the opposite, he has a favorite tree, and a hiding spot that is hidden from everyone else. Soarin was the weirdest kid ever, he wasn't considered a bad boy then, only the average boy.
Soarin showed Rainbow his favorite tree, she climbed it on her first try. Soarin climbed after her, he was right below her butt. "Nice view." He said pretty loud. "Shut it Skies, I already know you like my ass, it's really nice, especially when your handd are on it." She laughed out. "Actually, I like you eyes the most, although I really do like your butt, and your scar is pretty fucking hot too." He said. Rainbow blushed, Soarin actually had a way with words. "Idiot!" She yelled, but then she kissed his cheek. Rainbow heard a rustle, she ignored it at first. Then she heard it again, then she heard a click. Rainbow looked behind her, she saw nothing, so she looked back forward. Soarin was sitting there with Rainbow, just the two of them. Soarin moved his hand over to Rainbow's face, he gently put his hand on her scar. Her face was warm and soft, Soarin liked it. Rainbow looked at him, and she was blushing. "Like I said pretty eyes, cute scar." He said with a smirk and he leaned in. Rainbow closed her eyes, but they jolted back open when a large bang was heard. Soarin gasped with pain and confusion as he fell from the tree. The last thing that Rainbow saw was his shocked expression and him falling. Rainbow screamed out. "Soarin!!" She yelled. Someone came out from behind her and put a bag over her head. "Get the fuck off of me!!" She shouted, kicked and spat. The person had a strong grip, and before Rainbow knew it she was in a car. "Okay RD, you have two choices, I'll call an ambulance if you date me, but if you don't date me then Soarin will die, make up your mind quick, he will bleed out if you don't." Thunder Lane said. "Fine I'll fucking date you, you f uh ckinh dirty ass creep, I'll do it for him, not for you!" She shouted at him. "Good choice RD, or should I say, my girlfriend?" He lauged out. Rainbow had a plan, she was going to do after he called the police. Thunder Lane called the police, and soon sirens could be heard in the distance. Rainbow unlocked her door and jumped out, and she ran as fast as possible to Soarin. The police made it over, and they saw Rainbow tied up, then they saw Thunder Lane with the gun, and Soarin on the ground. One cop quickly taxed him and he fell to the ground. Soarin was still breathing, but there wasn't much time before he would bleed to death. The paramedics put Soarin on the gurney, and they drove him off. The police asked for a story from Rainbow Dash, and she explained it all to them. They put cuffs on Thunder Lane and sent Rainbow home. Rainbow busted through her house door. "Mom, I need the car, Soarin just got shot, and i need to go see if he is okay!" She shouted out. "Oh no! Go make sure he is okay, I love you, and be very careful!" She said back. Rainbow hopped in the car and sped to the hospital. "Soarin Skies?" She asked the lady at the desk for his room. The woman frowned. "Sweetie, he is in emergency surgery, says here that it's a bullet removal, poor thing." The Woman said. Rainbow sighed, at least he wasn't dead. Rainbow didn't want the best thing she had to go away, she loved him. She waited for a long time. Then after three hours a nurse said she could see him. "Soarin!" She gasped. His shirt was not on, leaving a nasty visable wound. Soarin was still asleep, and he was just waking up. "Dashie, is.. is that you?" He asked sleepily. Rainbow laughed and tears came from her eyes. "Oh Soarin, I'm so glad you're okay, what if you died, I don't know what I would do." She said. Soarin smiled. "I love you too Dashie." He said. Rainbow looked over at him, with tears falling from her eyes. "I love you Soarin, I did ever since I broke your nose, I liked everything about you, and I don't even know why, but I still love you." She cried out softly. Soarin smiled. "You we're the greatest thing that ever happened to me. My parents died two years ago, you made me happy again." He said. Soarin coughed and gasped for air, he soon wemt back to normal. Rainbow hugged him, careful not to hurt him. "We have survived a lot of shit together Skies." She said with a smirk. Soarin smiled and kissed her forehead. Then they fell asleep. The two of them, in a hospital, with scars, wounds, and grief, together. Rainbow slept with a smile.
Rainbow woke with a start, she was breathing heavily, and she had a heart beat over a thousand miles per hour. Soarin woke too, and he looked at Rainbow with worry. "What happened, are you okay Dashie?" He asked worried. "I had a dream, that my father got out of jail and tried to kill me, I was so scared, and I didn't know what to do!" She said as hot tears fell from her eyes. Soarin reached a hand up to wipe them away, he wouldn't let it happen. "I'm not going to let that happen, I live you too much. Soarin said as he pulled Rainbow into a hug. Rainbow sighed as Soarins warmth spread to her, his skin was comforting Rainbow, they layed there, not moving. A nurse walked in and told Rainbow to leave, she wouldn't go, so she stayed all night, sleeping next to Soarin, his arms we're wrapped around her waist, and her arms we're squeezing him in a sort of hug, because they we're asleep. Rainbow never had the dream about her dad again. Thunder Lane was arrested, Soarin got shot and survived, Rainbow had terrible nightmares, but it ended up okay, and they were togther.

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