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Rainbow Dash, the queen of sports, awoke to the loud blairing of dubstep. Usually Rainbow would be the type of girl to fall back asleep and never wake again, but duty calls, something even Rainbow finally excepted. Rainbow drousily got out of bed and went to take a shower. When she was done she grabbed her clothes from the closet. She slipped on a sports bra, some soccer pants and cleats. Rainbow just wore a regular shirt, it was only practice after all. Rainbow was co-captain last semester, but the captain moved to Canterlot last minute, leaving Rainbow as the one in charge. Rainbow hopped to her nightstand and grabbed some deodorant. Rainbow then zipped down stairs, sliding on the rail the whole way down. Rainbow's mom had already left, so she was home alone. Rainbow grabbed a protein shake and left.

Rainbow was driving while some jackass swerved and almost hit her. "Watch it asshole!" She shouted agirly at the person driving, not even fairing who it was. Finally Rainbow got to school. It was 5:30 A.M. and all the new soccer students had arrived. Rainbow walked around the students, checking for ones with long legs and ones with a bigger body. She assigned a medium junior to be a goalie. She assigned the rest to each take turns trying to kick the ball to the net. The first couple weren't that good, then another student caught her eye. A tall student with wind-swept, navy hair. He was one of the only ones who made it in, yet Rainbow noticed he wasn't hitting exactly right. Rainbow marched over to him. "Need help?" She asked, Rainbow was usually a bit soft on the nubies. "Do you?" He asked, and smirked. Rainbow knew she wouldn't like this one that much. "No, in fact you're kicking wrong, it's you who need help, because I know I can kick. Rainbow said sharply. "Okay hot stuff," Rainbow glared at him. "fix me." He finished. "Well Mister,..." Rainbow looked at her clip board. "Skies, fix yourself first." Rainbow said, not wanting to deal with him. "Y'know, you could've asked me if you wanted my number!" He shouted after her. Rainbow had a mad blush, and she was fuming. She kicked the nearent item to him, with Rainbow's luck it was a rock. The rock hit Soarin in the chest. "Wow, feisty, I like it." Soarin said out loud. Rainbow was done putting up with his shit. She went on to 1st hour. Arithmetic, Algebra 2. She walked in and sat at her usual seat, it was dead center in the room. Some other students walked in. Thunderlane sat to Rainbows left, and Pinkie Pie was in front of Rainbow. Soarin walked in, smirked and took the seat to Rainbows right. "Whats goin on?" He asked nonchalantly. "Oh nothing, just talking to someone that makes me want to stab them, that's all." She said dead panned. Soarin sat back in his chair, and mouthed the word 'okay'. As in, this bitch is crazy! Rainbow was pleased that the message got through. Soarin on the other hand, was actually legitimately scared. Thunderlane was watching from the other side. "You guys are perfect for each other!" He mused. Rainbow shot him a glare that could make blind kids cry. He seemed to get the picture too. Pinkie was there too, but she was there because comody. Rainbow looked up at Pinkie and gave her a high-five. Pinkie laughed and looked forward. The bell had just rung, and the last few tardy kids walked in. The teacher also walked in. 'Get ready for a boring day' Rainbow thought to herself.

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