"You'll catch this guy. Especially after what he's done. Just promise me something."

I nodded my head, my body still pressed against him.

"Come back." He whispered.

Anyone could tell by his voice he was on the brink of crying. I was as well. I couldn't promise him that. I could just promise him a fifty-fifty chance.

"I,..... Promise." I slowly said.

He knew I was lying. I knew he knew. But that's what needed to be said. I couldn't just say "oh no, I'm not coming back. I'm going to die out in the field." That would throw me off.

He looked at me intently before bringing my face to his, our lips captured in a kiss.


A dozen cops were in the building. We were after one guy. This guy, was an insane wacko. You never knew what his next move was. He scares the living daylights out of me.

"NYPD! Show yourself!" Chief yelled.

We heard creaks and different noises. My hands gripped tightly on my gun, by body turning every which way.

"Why can't we be friends? I've never done anything wrong." A voice said.

"You wanna be friends huh? Not after what you did!" I shouted.

"I've done many things. I've stolen things, burned things, exploded things, murdered things. The list goes on. Shall I continue?"

Half the men stayed down stairs and I went upstairs. My eyes were roaming all around. This guy needed to be taken in if it's the last thing I do.

"Terry Smith. Robert Glen. Garret Wilkinson. Matthew Davis. John Ladner. Maya Hart. Six well respected officers who don't want to die. Especially you Maya." The voice said. "You love someone. Both of you are scared to lose one another. Why? You both lost someone very important to you. That's why you became a cop. Because I killed your best friend." The man said, stepping out so we could see him.

"Murderer!!" I screamed, ready to let him have it. But I didn't.

"Yes I am. I am indeed. Go ahead. Shoot me. But ah,.... You don't want to. Nervous about what I'll do. And also because you've never killed anybody. And if you kill me, you're technically a murderer too."

"Shut up you bastard! We don't kill for fun or for sport. It's our job." My partner Matthew said.

"True. Very right. You are very wise. But not wise enough to know you're all gonna die." He snickered.

In a split second, the floor fell beneath us, sending all six falling to the ground. My eyes opened, ringing in my ears. I was dizzy. There was a sharp pain in my leg and a wooden post was on top of it.

"Robert!" Terry screamed.

Robert lay there, not breathing, his head tilted a weird way. I was done with this guy. He killed my best friend, and now another. I lifted the post off my thigh, carefully standing up. It hurt. A lot.

"Maya! You can't walk!" Matthew shouted from the ground, trying to stand as well.

"I need to get back up there. He's done enough damage." I said.

I hobbled over to the stairs. Barely making it up one step, I sat down. My arms were the strongest right now so I used them to put me up. Just as I was halfway along the stairs, the other half of the floor collapsed, sending me back down.

"I win! You were all, crappy opponents." He said, laughing afterwards.

I quickly climbed up and grabbed my gun. He was busy talking to himself and I sent a bullet through his leg. His body fell back, still on a ledge attached to the second floor.

"Let me guess, Maya?" He said, breathing heavy. "Of course it's you to send me to my demise."

I pulled myself up and sat on the steps. I tried shooting another bullet but my gun was jammed. That's when I saw he had a gun as well. My breath hitched.

"You know Maya, I appreciate women like you. Gutsy, confident. Different people like you make earth so special. And that's why, I have to kill you." He said, pointing the gun at me.

"Lucas I love you." I whispered. "Please God help me."

Before I heard the trigger, another trigger was pulled from downstairs. A bullet went through his other leg, his shoulder, and his chest. He fell, still upstairs and dropped the gun. Lucas walked up the steps.

"Lucas!" I shouted.

He embraced me and a tear slipped out of my eye.

"All the other cops are ok. Joe called me and said to follow. He knew what this guy did to us and said just in case. I should be here." He said. "And I don't mind. I needed to make sure you were ok."

Lucas cupped my face and I held onto his hands. How I've missed him. He took off my vest and we hugged.

"I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you." I said.

"I wouldn't either. You're my everything Maya. Never forget that. I love you." He said.

We shared a light kiss before looking at each other again. I sent him a smile before a trigger was pulled and I felt something in my chest.

Lucas raised his pistol and shot the already dead man multiple times, making sure he couldn't hurt anyone else. I felt the blood quickly leaving my body. I leaned back against the wall and Lucas held me tighter.

"Maya. No, Maya please! Please Maya! Don't leave me! Someone call 911! She's shot!" He cried out.

Tears were steaming down both of our faces and I could still see the sparkle in his eyes.

"I love you." I barely got out.

"Do not talk like that. Don't! You're gonna be ok. You're gonna live! You'll stay with me!" He said, cupping my face. "Maya, you are the strongest person I've ever met. Please, you can't be done fighting yet." His voice cracked.

My hands went up to his cheeks, caressing them slowly. I pulled him in for one last, longing, passionate kiss. If only he knew how much I loved him. More than I could express. He was my everything.

"You're my one and only Huckleberry. My only Sundance, Ranger Rick, Ranger Roy, Bucky McBoing Boing, Hop-a-Long,.... And so much more. I love you s,..... So much Lucas Friar. Always have." I whispered.

"MAYA PLEASE!! I love you, don't forget that ok?!" He kissed me again. "Don't leave me, I don't know what I'll do! I love you please!!"

Darkness was filling my eyes. The last thing I saw was the same sparkle in his eyes I fell in love with. His masculine body, perfect face. Even with a sad expression. He's the last person I'll ever see alive. And then, I'll be with Riley again. And still loving him in heaven.

"Ha,..... Hurr cowboy. Huh,.... That... That was a..."


Lucas POV

"That was a good one."


Actually, no it wasn't. I felt sad this week and I took all that sadness out on here. It sucks a little I guess.

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