Bringing to Light [Finale]

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Laughter. Loud, maniacal, devious laugher. It made his ears feel like they could bleed.

"Jeffrey! Come out now!"

Liu didn't care how much his brother hurt him. He didn't care if he was putting himself front and center. Neither did his brother.

Out from behind the crates came Jeffrey. He was splattered in blood, knife being tossed between his hands. His grin was as wide as ever, the skin looking like it would tear.

"Welcome home brother Liu. I knew you would come back!" His voice was cold, cynical. It sent chills down Liu's spine.

"Where is she", Liu demanded. He was hoping to hear her scream, but the only noise made was the reply of his brother.

"Now let's not rush. You'll see her soon enough."

Liu charged Jeffrey, hoping to land a blow to his jaw. Jeffrey caught his fist, extending his position and rendering his attempt useless. The familiar scene of the bloodied knife nipping his throat played out before him.

"I didn't know you missed me so much", Jeffrey said sarcastically. Liu spit in his face. Jeffrey kicked his chest, knocking him to the ground, not seeming the slightest bit angry.

Liu wasn't giving up so easy this time. Not with his beloved Hazel in danger. Might this be an ordinary ordeal, he wouldn't have had the energy to get up as he did now.

"Oh, so you have some fighting spirit now?" Jeffrey scoffed, turning his heel and walking away.

"I ask again, where is she?"

Jeffrey paused, casting a knowing smile over his shoulder. He motioned Liu to follow, then continued on his way. Liu hated obeying, but he wanted to find her. Jeffrey may be evil, but he was blunt with his work.

An area had been readjusted so boxes circled a single crate. The crate was broken in one side, the leftover wood making an X. Tied to it was the autumn haired girl, slumped over and covers in blood.  In front of her were drawings, none of which made sense to Liu.

Liu ran past Jeffrey, rushing to kneel before Hazel. He cupped her face, feeling for a pulse. When he did so, he realized all the needles punctured in her face and chest. Chunks of flesh in her shoulders had been ripped off, along with thin layers of skin hanging from her face.

Liu couldn't breath. He genuinely could not breath. Part of it was because of the sight before him. The other reason was because someone was choking him. The hands weren't leathery though. They were warm, wet, with a tenderness underneath them. Hazel had gripped his throat.

Too baffled by the sight, he hadn't realized she was actually alive still. He pried at the hands, barely overpowering her.

"Hazel! Hazel! It's me! Liu! Not Jeffrey! It's okay! I won't hurt you!"

Jeffrey laughed from behind, Hazel still trying to grip at Liu, who had wittily moved back. Whatever Jeffrey had done had cause Hazel to lose her sanity. She was delusional. It was hard to accept this, but he had no better explanation. He snapped up, pointing accusingly at his brother.

"To hell with you! You bastard! You aren't my brother! You aren't Jeffrey Woods! You're just some sadistic psychopath!"

Instead of getting angry, Jeffrey laughed. He laughed so hard he had to double over. Even when Liu kicked his shoulder and knocked him back he continued to laugh. When he finally stopped, he began to speak again.

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