My Savior

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She was smart, but not smart enough. She could have been sensible, but she wasn't. She went on a whim, receiving what those without a plan do.

Liu was able to fully wake up this time. Not just some partially sleepy state with no idea of what was happening around him. In fact, he was painfully aware of everything.

He saw the monotone walls. Felt the pain in his abdomen and the leather of the couch. Felt the absence of the warm hand that had graced his presence before.

"Jack", he called, his voice strangled and weak. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Jack", came his voice somewhat louder.

Those eerie foot falls filled his ears, feeling a small happiness at how real everything was. A shadow loomed over his pale face, gouged black sockets staring down at him.

"Yes", questioned the empty but melodic voice.

"Where is she? Hazel?"

Jack stared at him for moments, like he was contemplating something. His jawed moved, making it seem as if he were grinding his teeth together.

"She went out."


"I'm not sure", Jack sighed, sounding like he was impatient.

"Is she doing okay", Liu asked concerned.

"She seemed angry."

An idea flitted across Liu's mind. So badly he wanted to dismiss it, but his words tumbled out.

"She didn't go try to find him", he exclaimed panicked. It sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself than ask Jack a question.

Jack shrugged, the shuffle of his shoes slowly becoming faint. Liu jumped off the couch, regretting his action and gripping his stomach. It didn't tear open, but it hurt like hell.

Jack came back, a glass of water and pill in hand.

"You should continue to lie down." He shoved the pill and water into Liu's hands.

Liu examined the pill, finding it to be familiar.

"Why did you let her leave", he asked sounding angry. "If he gets a hold of her she is dead!"

Tears were welling in his eyes, but this time from frustration. He threw the glass at Jack's feet, shards scattering everywhere. He didn't move one bit.

"Simply because she wanted. I do not control what she does. Now please stop with the questions and take your medicine."

Liu clenched his fist, fingernails biting into his flesh. Jack turned on his heal, shards of glass crunching beneath his feet. Liu examined the pill some more, remembering where he saw it.

He soon remembered that Jack had once been a doctor, and was also a regular of the black market. It would be so easy for him to get ahold of some heavy sleeping medication. This stuff would knock Liu out in seconds.

All this anger and fear welled inside him, ripping apart his insides and begging to release. He threw the pill at Jack, screaming his emotions out.


Liu breathed heavily, watching as Jack set down the new glass of water. Calmly he picked up the pill, blowing off any specks. Causally he walked to Liu, staring at him coldly.

Liu looked at him with confusion. With strong hands, Jack gripped Liu's chin, forcing his mouth open. Liu squirmed under his hold, but unfortunately the pill had entered his mouth. Jack held back Liu's head with extreme force.

"Swallow it", he demanded.

Liu glared from the corners of his eyes. He kept the pill under his tongue, not letting it glide down his throat. With one swift move, he kicked Jack's shin. Jack stumbled back, his hand knocking Liu's chin roughly. Liu looked at Jack, no pain made evident by his features.

He spit the pill into his hand, dropping it onto the floor and stomping on it. 

"You let her go, you let me go. Stop holding onto me. I'm not going to become anyone else's toy. I'm not going to be abused again!"

Jack was stunned by his words. Liu wanted to punch him, spit in his face, but that was disrespectful to someone who had cared for him and housed him. Even if he did potential let his girlfriend get murdered. Besides, he needed to save this welled up anger for Jeffrey.

With his anger came confidence, determination. He walked out of the apartment defiantly, slamming the door closed. Once down the stairs he broke into a sprint. He ignored the pain he felt, only worrying about Hazel's well-being.

"I'm going to save you Hazel. I promise."

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