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The Angels were drinking tonight, just as they did every night

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The Angels were drinking tonight, just as they did every night.

However,Johnny sat in a booth at the far end of bar all on his own. A single light illuminating the top of his head,shadows dancing along the table as he moved his arms. It was his favorite spot. He could see every single person in the bar. Having been sidelined for awhile due to an injury it was the perfect job.

All he had to do was sit on his ass and watch.

He was never called for any jobs in the back. He'd wait until the bar was completely closed, watching his buddies pass by to wish him a hell of a night. He didn't feel bitter about it but always seemed to work himself up over the prospect of being called upon.

They're just watching out for me.

That's what he tells himself so he won't sulk over his temporary job placement.

I'll be back. Swinging.

Johnny was always a wild one. His temper wasn't too good either. His favorite pastime was beating the shit out of any guys that got too hands on, so it was for a good cause. He'd been a bit peeved by his obsession with watching out for any bullies in the area. It wasn't his business. That's what he'd thought for a long time but for some reason he always raised his hand when others stood by.

It wasn't until one night when he'd bitten off more than he could chew that he'd found his way to this very bar. He was sober that night but had taken on about five guys. Johnny knew their type. They were ones who couldn't give two fucks about the world, even if it was ending. All they desired was an endless supply of beer, prime-time television and a piece of ass willing or not.

He didn't even want to think if they shared with each other; that would be sick.

The guys had this look,predatory one, as they tried to strong arm a younger man, boy really, at a club. It had been Johnny's first time there. He had a habit of jumping clubs once the club owner started looking out for him. Apparently, his crusades were bad for business.

Johnny had watched from afar. He'd been watching the boy,out of curiosity, himself for a while and felt innately worried for him, like always.

No one knew his name. He lurked by the walls, surprisingly comfortable, in all the heat of the crowded space, ignoring all the messy sex. Not at all entertained by the display of those dancing around him. The music soothed him put him in a pleasant state. One time he noticed that he'd beaten a guy to a pulp to the beat of the music.

He'd pushed his way through the crowd easily, ignoring all the curses.Glaring at anyone that dared to get in his way. They were by the exit, the guys had usurped the bar, drink after drink after drink. They were relentless. Sometimes Johnny wished guys like that could just fall asleep but no, they became more vigorous, loose, unpredictable. The alcohol only fueled their pride, fueled their lust. At least Johnny had finally found a job he liked.

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