Chapter 11

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He apologized last night. Told me he was sorry. He asked me to be his second in command. I forgave him. I agreed. I couldn't believe Nick j when he apologized. He asked me to forgive Kylie. I told him that I forgave her, but if she makes one wrong move towards Brenna or I, she is dead. That was last night.

I went to school, had fun. Talked with Nick j finally. We are almost back to normal. Then gym came. Kylie was talking about cellos and how to play them in the locker room. She was acting like she knew everything about them and how to play them. If anyone corrected her, she bit off their head. She handed out false information, and I corrected her. How did I know she was wrong? My cousin plays. She got mad and stormed into the gym.

Anyways, while we had warm ups, Nick j and Kylie were talking. It was fine for me, I didn't care. Until Nick j came up after and asked me why I yelled at Kylie about the cello. I told him I didn't yell. He didn't believe me. He tends to side with her over everything. Sometimes I think that if she gave me a black eye, he would still kiss her butt and agree with her.

I was so mad at Kylie for going to Nick j. She knew it would get to me. If that wasn't enough, I had to face her team in hockey. She slammed her hockey stick into my stomach and laughed. I just turned away and got into the game. I would not go crying to Nick j like she did. Plus he wouldn't believe me.

I'm trying the first practice for the band.Even if Kylie will be there. If it goes well, I will stay. If not, I'm leaving. I have to convince Nick k to try the first practice too. I was really looking forward to playing in the band with my boyfriend.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. It's April Fools, and everyone hates me. So guess who is getting pranked a million times tomorrow? Me. It gives Kylie an excuse to do something to me. I'm just going to lay low, and get through the day, because spring break starts as soon as that merciful bell rings at 2:50 pm.

Help! I Hate Drama!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang