Chapter 10

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I went to school today. It was fine, Brenna and Nick k acted like nothing happened over the weekend, and we were happy. Nick j didn't talk to me at all. It hurt a little, I wanted us to be back the way we were before all the drama. He was a good friend. I wanted him to be my friend again. Until I got to math class, where I changed my mind.

A great friend of mine named Danny was shunning me in math. I had no idea why. Until he told me after I kept asking. "Some people hurt other people's feelings by saying that they suck at saxophone, and just aren't good enough to play in a band." After about the second time he said this to other people, I realized why he was saying it, and who he was talking about. Nick j had invited him to play in the band. When he got mad at me, he decided it would be super funny to fuck my life up.

He told everyone that he invited into the band that I thought they weren't good enough to play in the band. That they sucked, and were to low for me.

I didn't say anything like that at all. I had to try so hard not to cry in math. Danny was good friends with me, and Nick j took him away from me with a stupid rumor. I became an emotionless robot as I finished my classes and waited for recess. The only people I talked to were Brenna, Nick k, and Grace.

Everyone either gave me evil glares, or asked if something was wrong. I just looked straight ahead, and held my head high. I would not let another rumor ruin my day. But I was wrong. I got home, and cried. I hoped for Brenna or Nick k to call. I needed someone to comfort me. I want to punch someone. Anyone who sets me over. Nick j is definitely on my hit list. Along with Kylie and Aidan, because whenever I was around, they would whisper and look at me. They knew it got on my nerves. Everyone is out to make my life miserable.

After I finished crying for the moment, and turned on music and belted out the lyrics. It calmed me, but I know when I go to bed tonight, everything will flood back and haunt my dreams.

How do I know this? It's been happening since the argument in the group chat. I haven't had a good night's sleep for five days. I just drag myself around, getting beat by words and looks. Then I go home and cry. Then I go to bed. Repeat it all the next day.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I died. If I committed suicide. How many people would cry? Who wouldn't care? Who would show for my funeral? Who would feel guilty knowing that they caused me all this pain? I just wonder, as I cry, as I laugh, as I go about my day. I just wonder.

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